This section provides links to CASM tutorials written using Jupyter notebooks. Some tutorials are written to demonstrate using the CASM command line interface (CLI) ccasm
and some are written to demonstrate using the CASM Python package casm-python
. Notebooks can be downloaded and run locally to try using CASM and static versions showing results can be viewed online.
To setup a conda environment with all the dependencies necessary for running the tutorials, see this page.
Defining the “prim”Permalink
This tutorial demonstrates defining the primitive crystal structure and degrees of freedom (DoF) (the “prim”), initializing a CASM project, and checking prim symmetry.
The tutorial includes examples defining a prim for three types of CASM projects:
- an configurational cluster expansion
- a strain polynomial effective Hamiltonian
a coupled strain-displacement cluster expansion effective Hamiltonian.
- CLI: view online, download
Enumerating configurationsPermalink
These tutorials provide an introduction to supercells and configurations and demonstrate several methods to enumerate them, depending on the type of DoF.
Enumerating, Selecting, and Querying SupercellsPermalink
- CLI: view online, download
Viewing Configurations With casm view
and VESTAPermalink
- Python: view online, download
Constructing effective HamiltoniansPermalink
Configurational Cluster Expansion FormulationPermalink
For an introduction the the cluster expansion see:
Occupation Basis Set ConstructionPermalink
- CLI: view online, download