Shows the CASM logo

Note: CASM is available for macOS and Linux

Install using CondaPermalink

The recommended method for obtaining CASM is to install the casm-cpp conda package available online from Conda is a package and environment management system that works on Windows, macOS, and Linux. For help installing and using conda, see the Conda user guide and installation page. We recommend using the Miniconda installation.

To install the latest version of CASM:

conda create -n casm \
  --override-channels -c prisms-center -c conda-forge \
  casm-cpp=1.2.0 python=3

Note: Include the version number to ensure the latest version is installed. The latest version is casm-cpp=1.2.0.

This will create a conda environment named casm in which the following are installed:

  • Required dependencies
  • The libcasm and libccasm shared libraries.
  • The ccasm command line program.

To use CASM, activate the CASM environment:

conda activate casm

The casm-python Python package is a collection of Python packages that provide a Python interface to the CASM libraries, implement wrappers to fitting methods and DFT software, and provide other tools for plotting and analysis. From inside the casm conda environment, it can be installed using:

pip install casm-python

This will install the casm-python package and the casm command line program, which provides a combined interface for the command line methods available from both casm-cpp and casm-python.

Note: Currently, the CASM VASP wrapper is updated for CASM 1.X. An updated Quantum ESPRESSO wrapper for CASM 1.X will be available in the near future along with a method for converting between additional structure file formats.

To deactivate the CASM environment when done using CASM:

conda deactivate

Other common commandsPermalink

  • To remove the casm conda environment:

    conda remove --name casm --all
  • To update to the latest version of casm-cpp (from the activated conda environment):

    conda update --override-channels -c prisms-center -c conda-forge casm-cpp
  • To update to the latest version of casm-python (from the activated conda environment):

    pip install -U casm-python
  • To install dependencies for the CASM tutorials, see this page.

Install using DockerPermalink

A CASM docker image is available. To use this image, first install Docker with the instructions found here. A brief introduction to Docker and its usage may be found at this link.

Once Docker is installed, the CASM Docker image can be pulled with:

docker pull casmcode/casm

Once the CASM image is on your computer it can be invoked by using:

docker run --rm -it -v <data_folder>:/root/ \
    casmcode/casm bash

The value <data_folder> should be replaced with the path to folder on your computer that will be mounted as volume to the docker container. Any changes you make to it from inside the container will persist on your computer and be available outside the container.

For more details, including suggested configuration, see the CASM Docker page here.

Install from sourcePermalink

See CASM installation instructions here.