5 namespace SymRepTools_v2 {
48 bool allow_complex =
SymGroup is a collection of symmetry operations that satisfy the group property The symmetry operatio...
SymGroupRep is an alternative representation of a SymGroup for something other than real space....
std::string to_string(ENUM val)
Return string representation of enum class.
SymRepTools_v2::IrrepDecomposition make_irrep_decomposition(SymGroupRep const &rep, SymGroup const &head_group, Eigen::MatrixXd const &_init_subspace, bool allow_complex)
Make an IrrepDecompotion using CASM::SymGroupRep and CASM::SymGroup.
std::vector< SymRepTools::IrrepInfo > irrep_decomposition(SymGroupRep const &_rep, SymGroup const &head_group, bool allow_complex)
Finds irreducible subspaces that comprise an underlying subspace It does not rely on the character ta...
SymRepTools_v2::VectorSpaceSymReport vector_space_sym_report_v2(DoFSpace const &dof_space, SupercellSymInfo const &sym_info, std::vector< PermuteIterator > const &group, bool calc_wedges=false)
Make VectorSpaceSymReport.
For long integer indexing: