CASM  1.1.0
A Clusters Approach to Statistical Mechanics
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 CCASM::xtal::_LinearIndexConverter< IntegralCoordinateType >
 CCASM::xtal::_LinearIndexConverter< UnitCell >
 CCASM::xtal::_LinearIndexConverter< UnitCellCoord >
 CCASM::Local::_RealType< T >
 CCASM::SymRepTools_v2::_RealType< T >
 CCASM::Local::_RealType< Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, RowsAtCompileTime, ColsAtCompileTime > >
 CCASM::SymRepTools_v2::_RealType< Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, RowsAtCompileTime, ColsAtCompileTime > >
 CCASM::Local::_RealType< std::vector< T > >
 CCASM::SymRepTools_v2::_RealType< std::vector< T > >
 CCASM::adapter::Adapter< ToType, FromType >
 CCASM::adapter::Adapter< CASM::DoFSet, xtal::DoFSet >
 CCASM::adapter::Adapter< CASM::DoFSet, xtal::SiteDoFSet >
 CCASM::adapter::Adapter< Configuration, ConfigEnumData< EnumeratorType, InitialStateType > >
 CCASM::adapter::Adapter< DataObject, QueryData< DataObject > >
 CCASM::adapter::Adapter< InternalType, ExternalType >
 CCASM::adapter::Adapter< OccupantDoF< DiscreteType >, std::vector< DiscreteType > >
 CCASM::adapter::Adapter< Supercell, ConfigEnumData< EnumeratorType, InitialStateType > >
 CCASM::adapter::Adapter< SupercellSymInfo, SupercellInfoData >
 CCASM::adapter::Adapter< SymGroup, FromType >
 CCASM::adapter::Adapter< SymOp, FromType >
 CCASM::adapter::Adapter< SymOp, PermuteIterator >Convert CASM::PermuteIterator -> CASM::SymOp
 CCASM::adapter::Adapter< SymOp, SymOp >
 CCASM::adapter::Adapter< xtal::SymOp, FromType >
 CCASM::adapter::Adapter< xtal::SymOpVector, FromType >
 CCASM::AnisoValTraitsSpecifies traits of (possibly) anisotropic crystal properties
 CCASM::AperiodicSymCompare< Element, U >Template class to be specialized for comparisons with aperiodic symmetry
 CCASM::AperiodicSymCompare< CASM::IntegralCluster >
 CCASM::AperiodicSymCompare< IntegralCluster >
 Cnotstd::function_traits< ReturnType(ClassType::*)(Args...) const >::arg< i >
 CCASM::Array< T >Basic std::vector like container (deprecated)
 CCASM::Array< CASM::Array >
 CCASM::Array< CASM::Array< CASM::FunctionOperation * > >
 CCASM::Array< CASM::Array< CASM::InnerProduct * > >
 CCASM::Array< CounterType >
 CCASM::Array< double >
 CCASM::Array< Function * >
 CCASM::Array< Index >
 CCASM::Array< PolyConstraint >
 CCASM::Array< PTNode< T > * >
 CCASM::Array< Tensor< T > >
 CCASM::xtal::AssignmentNodeStructure to encode the solution of a constrained atomic assignmnet problem This describes the permutation, translation, and time-reversal of the atoms of a child structure to bring them into registration with the atoms of a parent structure (assuming periodic boundary conditions). Also records the constrained and unconstrained assignment costs
 CCASM::xtal::AtomPositionAn atomic species associated with a position in space
 CCASM::AxesCounterParamsData structure used for continuous DoF enumeration IO
 CCASM::Clexulator_impl::BaseAbstract base class for cluster expansion correlation calculations
 CCASM::ConfigDoFIsEquivalent::BaseBase class for functors that compare ConfigDoF
 CCASM::DoF::BaseA class that represents an individual Degree of Freedom
 CCASM::BaseCounter< DerivedCounter >A Counter allows looping over many incrementing variables in one loop
 CCASM::BaseCounter< Counter< _Container, typename _Container::value_type, typename _Container::size_type, CASM_TMP::BracketAccess< _Container, typename _Container::value_type, typename _Container::size_type >, CASM_TMP::MuchLessThan< typename _Container::value_type > > >
 CCASM::BaseCounter< IsoCounter< _Container, typename _Container::value_type, typename _Container::size_type, CASM_TMP::BracketAccess< _Container, typename _Container::value_type, typename _Container::size_type >, CASM_TMP::MuchLessThan< typename _Container::value_type > > >
 CCASM::BaseDatumFormatter< _DataObject >Abstract base class from which all other DatumFormatter<DataObject> classes inherit
 CCASM::BaseDatumFormatter< DataObject >
 CCASM::BaseDatumFormatter< ExternalType >
 CCASM::ClexParamPack_impl::BaseKeyBaseKey is base class from which all ClexParamKey implementation classes inherit. Hides implementation-specific access attributes through an abstract interface. A ClexParamKey object manages access for a particular type of data valuess. Additional specification of referenced data can be provided via linear or pair indices as necessary
 CCASM::xtal::BasicStructureBasicStructure specifies the lattice and atomic basis of a crystal
 CCASM::BasisFunctionSpecsSpecify how to construct basis functions
 CCASM::CASM_TMP::BracketAccess< Container, _value_type, _size_type >Helper Functor for Counter container access using operator[]
 CCASM::DB::CacheStore data in JSON
 CCASM::Monte::CanonicalEventData structure for storing information regarding a proposed grand canonical Monte Carlo event
 CCASM::CanonicalGenerator< _OrbitType >Functor to find the canonical generating element for an orbit
 CCASM::CanonicalGenerator< OrbitType >
 CCASM::xtal::Coordinate_impl::CartCoordinateA class to enable vector assignment to the Cartesian vector of a Coordinate
 CCASM::xtal::Coordinate_impl::CartCoordinateComponentA class to enable assignment to a component of the Cartesian vector of a Coordinate
 CCASM::ChemicalReferencePrinterBasicStructure to help print ChemicalReference
 CCASM::ChemicalReferenceStateStores the composition and energy in a single reference state
 CCASM::ClexPair of Clexulator and ECIContainer
 CCASM::ClexBasisSpecsProvides parameters for constructing a cluster expansion basis (ClexBasis)
 CCASM::ClexDescriptionSpecifies a particular cluster expansion
 CCASM::ClexParamKeyKey for indexing clexulator parameters Contains pointer to implementation of the Key
 CCASM::ClexParamPackAbstract base class for reading/writing clexulator parameters Parameters are assumed to be stored as, or at least sliceable into, 2D or 1D arrays in order to standardize read/write interface via Eigen types Arrays are layed out along two dimensions to form (m x N) or (m x 1) matrices where 'N' is the number of sites in the neighborhood of a unit cell, and 'm' is the intrinsic dimension of a particular parameter. Macroscopic or homogeneous properties of the crystal, such as evaluated crystal basis functions or homogeneous strain, which are not associated with individual sites, are represented as a (m x 1) array. The length of the 'm' dimension of a parameter array is referred do as 'dim' and the length of the N' dimension is referred to as 'size'
 CCASM::ClexulatorEvaluates correlations
 Cnotstd::CloneableBase class for cloning
 Cnotstd::cloneable_ptr< Type >A 'cloneable_ptr' can be used in place of 'unique_ptr'
 Cnotstd::cloneable_ptr< CASM::Base1DDatumFormatter >
 Cnotstd::cloneable_ptr< CASM::BaseDatumFormatter< DataObject > >
 Cnotstd::cloneable_ptr< CASM::BaseDatumFormatter< InternalType > >
 Cnotstd::cloneable_ptr< CASM::BaseValueFormatter >
 Cnotstd::cloneable_ptr< CASM::ChemicalReference >
 Cnotstd::cloneable_ptr< CASM::ClexBasisBuilder >
 Cnotstd::cloneable_ptr< CASM::ClexParamPack_impl::BaseKey >
 Cnotstd::cloneable_ptr< CASM::ClusterSpecs >
 Cnotstd::cloneable_ptr< CASM::ConfigDoFIsEquivalent::Base >
 Cnotstd::cloneable_ptr< CASM::Configuration >
 Cnotstd::cloneable_ptr< CASM::DataFormatterDictionary< DataObject > >
 Cnotstd::cloneable_ptr< CASM::DB::DatabaseIteratorBase< ValueType > >
 Cnotstd::cloneable_ptr< CASM::DB::PropertiesDatabaseIteratorBase >
 Cnotstd::cloneable_ptr< CASM::DB::Selection< ObjType > >
 Cnotstd::cloneable_ptr< CASM::DirectoryStructure >
 Cnotstd::cloneable_ptr< CASM::DiscreteDoF >
 Cnotstd::cloneable_ptr< CASM::HallOfFame >
 Cnotstd::cloneable_ptr< CASM::InputEnumIteratorBase< ValueType, true > >
 Cnotstd::cloneable_ptr< CASM::Monte::MonteCarloEnum >
 Cnotstd::cloneable_ptr< CASM::Monte::MonteCarloEnumCheck >
 Cnotstd::cloneable_ptr< CASM::Norm< CASM::Configuration > >
 Cnotstd::cloneable_ptr< CASM::ParamPackMixIn >
 Cnotstd::cloneable_ptr< CASM::ParsingDictionary >
 Cnotstd::cloneable_ptr< CASM::RandomAccessEnumIteratorBase< ValueType, true > >
 Cnotstd::cloneable_ptr< CASM::StrainConverter >
 Cnotstd::cloneable_ptr< CASM::Supercell >
 Cnotstd::cloneable_ptr< CASM::SuperNeighborList >
 Cnotstd::cloneable_ptr< CASM::xtal::HermiteCounter >
 Cnotstd::cloneable_ptr< CASM::xtal::StrucMapCalculatorInterface >
 Cnotstd::cloneable_ptr< CASM::xtal::UnitCellIndexConverter >
 Cnotstd::cloneable_ptr< ClusterType >
 Cnotstd::cloneable_ptr< const CASM::SymRepBuilderInterface >
 Cnotstd::cloneable_ptr< Eigen::Matrix3l >
 Cnotstd::cloneable_ptr< notstd::Cloneable >
 Cnotstd::cloneable_ptr< ObjectType >
 Cnotstd::cloneable_ptr< result_type >
 Cnotstd::cloneable_ptr< std::set< int > >
 CCASM::ClusterSiteIndicesCompareSort std::set<Index> by size, then value (lexicographical compare)
 CCASM::DB::PropertiesDatabase::CompareCompare type for std::set<std::string, Compare>, which sorts to determine the 'origin' configname for the best scoring MappedProperties to a particular config
 CCASM::DB::Selection< ObjType >::Compare
 CCASM::HallOfFame< ObjectType, Metric, ObjectCompare >::Compare
 CCASM::CompositionConverterConvert between number of species per unit cell and parametric composition
 CCASM::ConfigDoFCompareWrapper class for generic less than comparison of ConfigDoF
 CCASM::ConfigEnumData< EnumeratorType, InitialStateType >
 CCASM::ConfigEnumOptionsOptions for the enumerate_configurations function
 CCASM::ConfigEnumRandomLocalParamsParameters controlling ConfigEnumRandomLocal
 CCASM::ConfigEnumRandomOccupationsParamsParameters controlling ConfigEnumRandomOccupations
 CCASM::ConfigInsertResultHolds results of Configuration::insert
 CCASM::ConfigIsEquivalentClass for comparison of Configurations (with the same Supercell)
 CCASM::ConfigIterator< T, U >
 CCASM::ConfigMapperResultData structure holding results of ConfigMapper algorithm
 CCASM::CASM_TMP::ConstantFunctor< OutputType >N-nary function that behaves as a constant (i.e. transform(arg1,arg2,...) == constant is true)
 CCASM::DB::ConstructImpl< CommandType, ImplType >
 CCASM::ContainerTraits< _Container >Specialize container traits Expects:
 CCASM::ContainerTraits< Container >
 CCASM::ContainerTraits< Eigen::Matrix< _value_type, a, b, c, d, e > >Eigen::MatrixXd container traits
 CCASM::ContainerTraits< std::vector< _value_type, Allocator > >
 CCASM::xtal::COORD_MODECOORD_MODE specifies the current coordinate mode (Fractional or Cartesian)
 CCASM::xtal::CoordinateRepresents cartesian and fractional coordinates
 CCASM::CopyApplyWithPrim_crtp< Base >
 CCASM::CounterValueIterator< CounterType >
 CCASM::CounterValueIterator< MultiCounter< SubCounterType > >
 CCASM::Monte::CovEvaluatorFunctor to help evaluate covariance
 Cnotstd::CRTPBase< _MostDerived >Base class for CRTP pattern
 CCASM::DB::Database< T >
 CCASM::DB::Database< CASM::Configuration >
 CCASM::DB::Database< ObjType >
 CCASM::DB::Database< ValueType >
 CCASM::DB::DatabaseHandlerProvides access to all databases
 CCASM::DB::DatabaseIteratorBase< ValueType >
 CCASM::DataFormatter< _DataObject >Extract data from objects of 'DataObject' class
 CCASM::simpleformatter::DataFormatter< ObjectType >
 CCASM::DataFormatter< CASM::Configuration >
 CCASM::DataFormatter< DataObject >
 CCASM::DataFormatterFilter< DataObject >
 CCASM::DataStream_impl::DataStreamPromoter< OutType >
 CCASM::DataStream_impl::DataStreamPromoter< bool >
 CCASM::DataStream_impl::DataStreamPromoter< char >
 CCASM::DataStream_impl::DataStreamPromoter< double >
 CCASM::DataStream_impl::DataStreamPromoter< long >
 CCASM::DataStream_impl::DataStreamPromoter< std::string >
 CCASM::simpleformatter::DatumEvaluatorDictionary< ObjectType >
 CCASM::simpleformatter::DatumEvaluatorEntry< ObjectType, InputType >
 CCASM::DictionaryConverter< DataObject, DatumFormatterType >
 CCASM::ParsingDictionary_impl::DictionaryConverter< T >Conversion Functor for inserting BasicTraits into unique_cloneable_map
 CCASM::DiffScalarContainerContainer struct for storing a standalone value as 2D arrays of both autodiff Scalars doubles
 CCASM::DirectoryStructureSpecification of CASM project directory structure
 CCASM::DoFIsEquivalentClass for checking equivalence of two DoFSet objects, with respect to symmetry transformations
 CCASM::DynamicMatrix< T >
 CCASM::ECIContainerA sparse container of ECI values and their corresponding orbit indices
 CCASM::EigenSymRepApply< Element >
 CCASM::EnumerateSupercellsOptionsOptions for the enumerate_supercells function
 CCASM::EnumeratorBaseAbstract base class for enumerators
 CCASM::DB::EraseScelConfigsBaseHelper struct base class
 CCASM::DoFSpaceIO::OutputImpl::ErrorProvide state_index, indentifier, and dof_key for any errors
 CCASM::FileDataInterface class to check and/or store path and last_write_time of file on disk. Used to determine if files have been updated or deleted
 CCASM::FileEnumeratorLists all files in a CASM project, for use with 'casm files' command
 CCASM::CASM_TMP::FloatingPointLessThan< value_type >
 CCASM::CASM_TMP::for_each_element_impl< I, IsLast >
 CCASM::CASM_TMP::for_each_element_impl< I, true >
 CCASM::CASM_TMP::for_each_type_impl< I >
 CCASM::CASM_TMP::for_each_type_impl< 1 >
 CCASM::CASM_TMP::for_type_impl< I >
 CCASM::CASM_TMP::for_type_impl< 1 >
 CCASM::CASM_TMP::for_type_short_impl< I >
 CCASM::CASM_TMP::for_type_short_impl< 1 >
 CCASM::FormattedDataFile< DataObject >
 CCASM::FormattedPrintableAbstract base class to enable generic formatting
 CCASM::Monte::QueryMonteSampler::FormatterData structure to make queries occur once each sample time
 CCASM::xtal::Coordinate_impl::FracCoordinateA class to enable vector assignment to the fractional vector of a Coordinate
 CCASM::xtal::Coordinate_impl::FracCoordinateComponentA class to enable assignment to a component of the fractional vector of a Coordinate
 Cnotstd::function_traits< T >Deduces return type and argument types for non-generic labmdas and functors
 Cnotstd::function_traits< ReturnType(ClassType::*)(Args...) const >
 CCASM::GenericConfigCompare< ConfigType, IsEqualImpl >Class for less than comparison of Configurations implemented via a ConfigTypeIsEqual class that also stores the less than result
 Cnotstd::GetSecond< MapType >
 Cnotstd::GetSecondConst< MapType >
 Cnotstd::GetSecondDereferenced< MapType >
 Cnotstd::GetSecondDereferencedConst< MapType >
 CCASM::GramSchmidt< Container, T >
 CCASM::Monte::GrandCanonicalEventData structure for storing information regarding a proposed grand canonical Monte Carlo event
 CCASM::HallOfFame< ObjectType, Metric, ObjectCompare >A container for storing best scoring objects
 CCASM::CASM_TMP::has_type< T, Tuple >
 CCASM::CASM_TMP::has_type< T, std::tuple< Ts... > >
 Cstd::hash< CASM::xtal::UnitCell >
 Cstd::hash< CASM::xtal::UnitCellCoord >
 CCASM::HierarchyID< Base >
 CCASM::HierarchyID< Function >
 CCASM::HullGenerate and inspect the convex hull generated from a selection of Configurations
 CCASM::CASM_TMP::IfIntegralTol< tol_type, IsIntegral >
 CCASM::CASM_TMP::IfIntegralTol< tol_type, false >
 CCASM::CASM_TMP::IfIntegralTol< tol_type, true >
 CCASM::DB::Import< ConfigType >
 CCASM::ImportCommandImplBaseDefaults used if DataObject type doesn't matter or not given
 CCASM::DB::ConfigIO::ImportDataData structure for data import results
 CCASM::DB::ImportSettingsStruct with optional parameters for Config/Data Import Specifies default parameters for all values, in order to simplify parsing from JSON
 CCASM::xtal::SimpleStructure::InfoStruct to encode all information about the crystal basis Info may describe the basis in a atomic context or molecular context Within a particular context, species are considered indivisible points If both contexts are present within the SimpleStructure, they are assumed to be different representation of the same crystal basis. The only difference is that the 'atomic' context separates each molecule into its constituent atoms. SimpleStructure DOES NOT TRACK how the molecular and atomic representations are related
 CCASM::InputEnumerator< ValueType, IsConst >Generic input enumerator
 CCASM::HallOfFame< ObjectType, Metric, ObjectCompare >::InsertResultResults data structure for HallOfFame::insert
 CCASM::IntegralClusterSymCompareTraits< SymCompareType >
 CCASM::IntegralClusterSymCompareTraits< AperiodicSymCompare< IntegralCluster > >
 CCASM::IntegralClusterSymCompareTraits< PrimPeriodicSymCompare< IntegralCluster > >
 CCASM::IntegralClusterSymCompareTraits< ScelPeriodicSymCompare< IntegralCluster > >
 CCASM::CASM_TMP::IntegralLessThan< value_type >
 CCASM::InterfaceBase< OptionType >Base class for generic use of algorithms through the API
 CCASM::DB::InterfaceData< DataObject >
 CCASM::SymRepTools_v2::IrrepDecompositionPerforms irreducible subspace construction and symmetrization
 CCASM::SymRepTools::IrrepWedgeAn irreducible wedge in an irreducible vector space
 CCASM::SymRepTools_v2::IrrepWedgeAn irreducible wedge in an irreducible vector space
 Cstd::is_floating_point< CASM::xtal::Coordinate_impl::CartCoordinateComponent >
 Cstd::is_floating_point< CASM::xtal::Coordinate_impl::FracCoordinateComponent >
 CCASM::IsCanonical< _OrbitType >Functor to find to check if element is in canonical form
 CCASM::xtal::IsPointGroupOpChecks if operations are point group operations
 Cboost::iterator_range< T >
 CCASM::jsonConstructor< ReturnType >Helper struct for constructing objects that need additional data
 CCASM::jsonConstructor< ChemicalReference >Read chemical reference from JSON
 CCASM::jsonConstructor< ConfigDoF >
 CCASM::jsonConstructor< ConfigEnumInput >Read ConfigEnumInput from JSON
 CCASM::jsonConstructor< Configuration >
 CCASM::jsonConstructor< DoFSpace >
 CCASM::jsonConstructor< HyperPlaneReference >
 CCASM::jsonConstructor< IntegralCluster >
 CCASM::jsonConstructor< Monte::OccCandidate >
 CCASM::jsonConstructor< Monte::OccSwap >
 CCASM::jsonConstructor< OrbitPrinterOptions >
 CCASM::jsonConstructor< PermuteIterator >
 CCASM::jsonConstructor< ProjectSettings >
 CCASM::jsonConstructor< std::optional< T > >Helper struct for constructing std::optional<T> objects
 CCASM::jsonConstructor< SymInfoOptions >
 CCASM::jsonConstructor< xtal::AtomPosition >
 CCASM::jsonConstructor< xtal::DoFSet >
 CCASM::jsonConstructor< xtal::Molecule >
 CCASM::jsonConstructor< xtal::ScelEnumProps >Make a ScelEnumProps object from JSON input
 CCASM::jsonConstructor< xtal::Site >
 CCASM::jsonConstructor< xtal::SiteDoFSet >
 CCASM::DB::jsonDatabase< DataObject >
 CCASM::jsonMake< ValueType >Helper struct for constructing objects that need additional data
 CCASM::jsonMake< ConfigDoF >
 CCASM::jsonMake< Configuration >
 CCASM::jsonMake< DoFSpace >
 CCASM::jsonParserIterator< IsConst >
 CCASM::xtal::LatticeIsEquivalentLattice comparisons
 CCASM::xtal::LatticeNodeClass describing the lattice-mapping portion of a particular mapping A general map for child_struc onto parent_struc may require forming a supercell of parent_struc (most commonly) and/or of child_struc. As such, the LatticeNode is specified in terms of superlattices of both parent_struc and child_struc, as well as deformation and rotation information sufficient to fully define the lattice map
 CCASM::CASM_TMP::make_void< Ts >Alias for void, to help SFINAE work
 Cnotstd::make_void< Ts >Alias for void, to help SFINAE work
 CCASM::MakeSubOrbitGenerators< GroupOpIterator, SubgroupOpIterator >Output the orbit generators necessary to construct the sub-orbits corresponding to group -> subgroup symmetry breaking
 CCASM::Monte::MCDataMCData stores observations of properties
 CCASM::Monte::MCDataConvergenceChecks if a range of observations have converged
 CCASM::Monte::MCDataEquilibrationChecks if a range of observations have equilibrated
 CCASM::Monte::MolRepresents the occupant on a site
 CCASM::xtal::MoleculeClass representing a Molecule
 CCASM::Monte::MonteCarloInterface base class for all types of Monte Carlo simulations (not meant to be used polymorphically)
 CCASM::Monte::MonteCounterTrack the number of passes, steps and samples taken in a Monte Carlo calculation
 CCASM::Monte::MonteDriver< RunType >
 CCASM::Monte::MonteSamplerAn abstract base class for sampling and storing data observations
 CCASM::MultiCounter< CounterType >
 CCASM::multivector< T >Shortcut for multidimensional vector (std::vector< std::vector< ...)
 CCASM::multivector< CASM::SymOp >
 CCASM::multivector< Index >
 CCASM::multivector< std::pair< Index, Index > >
 CCASM::multivector_impl::multivector_tmp< T, N >
 CCASM::multivector_impl::multivector_tmp< T, 0 >
 CCASM::Norm< DataObject >
 CCASM::Norm< Configuration >
 CCASM::Monte::OccLocationStores data to enable efficient proposal and update of occupation mutation
 CCASM::OccupantDoFIsEquivalent< OccType >Class for checking equivalence of two OccupantDoF objects, with respect to symmetry transformations
 CCASM::OrbitBranchSpecs< _OrbitType >Store data used to generate an orbit branch of IntegralCluster
 CCASM::OrbitFunctionTraitsVirtual base class for printing orbit functions of type specified by implementation
 CCASM::OrbitGeneratorCompare< _OrbitType >Compare concept functor for canonical generating elements
 CCASM::OrbitGeneratorCompare< OrbitType >
 CCASM::OrbitGenerators< _OrbitType >Data structure that holds canonical generating elements and can then make sorted orbits
 CCASM::OrbitPrinter< _Element, ORBIT_PRINT_MODE >
 CCASM::bset_impl::OrbitPrinterAdapter< PrinterType >
 CCASM::ParamPackMixInParamPackMixIn is interface class to control ClexParamPack portion of Clexulator printing Used primarily by ClexBasisWriter
 CCASM::CASM_TMP::ParenthesesAccess< Container, _value_type, _size_type >Helper Functor for Counter container access using operator()
 CCASM::PCAPrinciple component analysis
 CCASM::PopenRemember how to use popen
 CCASM::SymRepTools_v2::IrrepDecompositionImpl::PossibleIrrepData structure used for storing and checking possible irreps
 CCASM::PrimClexPrimClex is the top-level data structure for a CASM project
 CCASM::PrimNeighborListThe PrimNeighborList gives the coordinates of UnitCell that are neighbors of the origin UnitCell
 CCASM::PrimPeriodicSymCompare< Element, U >Template class to be specialized for comparisons with periodic symmetry of the primitive lattice
 CCASM::PrimPeriodicSymCompare< CASM::IntegralCluster >
 CCASM::PrimPeriodicSymCompare< IntegralCluster >
 CCASM::VaspIO::PrintPOSCARPrint POSCAR with formating options
 CCASM::PTIterator< PTType, IsConst >
 CCASM::QueryCommandImplBaseDefaults used if DataObject type doesn't matter or not given
 CCASM::QueryData< ValueType >
 CCASM::QueryTraits< DataObject >
 CCASM::RandomAccessEnumerator< ValueType, IsConst >Generic random access enumerator
 CCASM::RefToCanonicalPrimOperations that transform a canonical primitive configuration to any equivalent
 CCASM::DB::Remove< Supercell >
 CCASM::DB::ConfigIO::ResultData structure for mapping / import results
 CCASM::RmCommandImplBaseDefaults used if DataObject type doesn't matter or not given
 CCASM::RuntimeLibraryWrite, compile, load and use code at runtime
 CCASM::SafeOfstreamWrite to a temporary file to ensure a good write, then rename
 CCASM::ScelCanonicalGenerator< _ElementType >Functor to find the canonical generating element for an orbit in a Supercell
 CCASM::xtal::ScelEnumPropsData structure for holding supercell enumeration properties
 CCASM::ScelIsCanonical< _ElementType >Functor to find to check if element is in canonical form
 CCASM::ScelPeriodicSymCompare< Element, U >Template class to be specialized for comparisons with periodic symmetry of the supercell lattice
 CCASM::SelectCommandImplBaseDefaults used if DataObject type doesn't matter or not given
 CCASM::DB::Selection< ObjType >
 CCASM::DB::Selection< CASM::Configuration >
 CCASM::DB::Selection< ValueType >
 CCASM::ConfigMapping::SettingsStruct with optional parameters for Config Mapping Specifies default parameters for all values, in order to simplify parsing from JSON
 CCASM::SimpleJSonSiteStructure< IsConst >Used to construct a BasicStructure from a 'properties.calc.json' object
 CCASM::SimpleOrbit< _SymCompareType >
 CCASM::xtal::SimpleStructureRepresentation of a crystal of molecular and/or atomic occupants, and any additional properties. It does not require a primitive Structure or BasicStructure object to act as a reference and can be thought of as the class that embodies all the information of a config.json or properties.calc.json file
 CCASM::Monte::SiteMod< T >Describes the modification of a variable on a basis site
 CCASM::Monte::SiteMod< int >
 CCASM::SparseTensor< T >
 CCASM::Monte::SpeciesRepresents an indivisible molecule component
 CCASM::StructureStructure specifies the lattice and atomic basis of a crystal
 CCASM::DB::StructureMap< ConfigType >
 CCASM::DB::StructureMap< Configuration >
 CCASM::SymRepTools::SubWedgeSubWedge is a vector of IrrepWedge, one from each irreducible subspace Together, the IrrepWedges that comprise the Subwedge span the entire space However, it is likely that the orbit of equivalent SubWedges does not fill the entire space
 CCASM::SupercellSymInfoA class that collects all symmetry information for for performing symmetry transformations on the site indices, site DoFs, and global DoFs of a Supercell or Configuration
 CCASM::xtal::SuperlatticeEnumeratorA fake container of supercell matrices
 CCASM::xtal::SuperlatticeIteratorIterators used with SuperlatticeEnumerator
 CCASM::SymGroupRepIDType-safe ID object for communicating and accessing Symmetry representation info
 CCASM::SymInfoSimple struct to be used as return type for SymOp::info()
 CCASM::SymInfoOptionsOptions for printing SymInfo
 CCASM::SymOpRepresentationSymOpRepresentation is the base class for anything describes a symmetry operation
 CCASM::SymRepBuilderInterfaceAbstract base class that provides interface for converting cartesian isometry to specialized transformation matrix Given a symmetry operation as a 3x3 orthogonal matrix acting on Cartesian space, a 3x1 Cartesian translation, and a time-reversal flag (true indicates +t goes to -t and false indicates +t goes to +t), returns a particular NxN matrix transformation whose dimension and value depends on the underlying implementation
 CCASM::DoFType::TraitsCollection of all the traits specific to a DoF type
 CCASM::traits< T >
 CCASM::traits< Base >
 CCASM::traits< BasicClexParamPack::EvalMode >
 CCASM::traits< CASM::xtal::UnitCellCoord >
 CCASM::traits< Configuration >
 CCASM::traits< Counter< _Container, _value_type, _size_type, _Access, _Compare > >
 CCASM::traits< DB::jsonDB >
 CCASM::traits< DerivedCounter >
 CCASM::traits< DiffClexParamPack::EvalMode >
 CCASM::traits< DirectionSymCompare< _Element, _SymApply > >Traits class for DirectionSymCompare
 CCASM::traits< EnumEquivalents< ObjectType, SymOpIterator, SymOpType, SymOpCompare > >
 CCASM::traits< IntegralCluster >Traits, required for GenericCluster
 CCASM::traits< IsoCounter< _Container, _value_type, _size_type, _Access, _Compare > >
 CCASM::traits< MostDerived >
 CCASM::traits< SubspaceSymCompare< _Element, _SymApply > >Traits class for SubspaceSymCompare
 CCASM::traits< Supercell >
 CCASM::DB::TypeTag< T >
 CCASM::UnaryCompare_f< BinaryCompare >
 CCASM::CASM_TMP::UnaryIdentity< T >Unary transformation that behaves as Identity (i.e. transform(arg) == arg is true)
 Cnotstd::unique_map< KeyType, ValueType, MapType, TransformFunction, ConstTransformFunction >Std::map wrapper to enforce a 1-1 ValueType->KeyType relationship
 Cnotstd::UniqueMapIterator< TransformFunc, MapIteratorType >An iterator over a UniqueMap
 CCASM::DB::Update< ConfigType >
 CCASM::UpdateCommandImplBaseDefaults used if DataObject type doesn't matter or not given
 CCASM::ValAccess< Scalar >
 CCASM::ValAccess< double >
 CCASM::ValAccess< typename DiffClexParamPack::DiffScalar >
 CCASM::ValidatorData structure to hold error and warning messages
 CCASM::SymRepTools_v2::VectorInvariantsUsed for generating SimpleOrbit of high symmetry direction vectors
 CCASM::VectorSpaceMixingInfoA struct which gives out the mixing information of given column_vector_space and a subspace
 CCASM::SymRepTools_v2::VectorSpaceSymReportSummary of data associated with the action of a symmetry group on a vector space
 CCASM::VectorSpaceSymReportSummary of data associated with the action of a symmetry group on a vector space
 CCASM::SymRepTools_v2::VectorSymCompareUsed for constructing SimpleOrbit of high symmetry direction vectors
 CCASM::VectorSymCompare< Base >
 CCASM::WriteBasisSetDataImplWrite clust.json, basis.json, and clexulator source code, given orbits