CASM  1.1.0
A Clusters Approach to Statistical Mechanics
SymGroupRepID.hh File Reference
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include "casm/global/definitions.hh"

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class  CASM::SymGroupRepID
 Type-safe ID object for communicating and accessing Symmetry representation info. More...


 Main CASM namespace.


bool CASM::operator== (SymGroupRepID const &a, SymGroupRepID const &b)
 Compares true if group_index() and rep_index() are equal. More...
bool CASM::operator!= (SymGroupRepID const &a, SymGroupRepID const &b)
 Compares false if group_index() and rep_index() are equal. More...
bool CASM::operator< (SymGroupRepID const &a, SymGroupRepID const &b)
 Less-than comparison for use in STL containers (std::set, std::map, etc) More...
jsonParser & CASM::to_json (SymGroupRepID const &_id, jsonParser &json)
jsonParser const & CASM::from_json (SymGroupRepID &_id, jsonParser const &json)
std::ostream & CASM::operator<< (std::ostream &out, SymGroupRepID const &_id)