CASM  1.1.0
A Clusters Approach to Statistical Mechanics
SymGroup_json_io.hh File Reference
#include <vector>
#include "casm/global/definitions.hh"

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 Main CASM namespace.


void CASM::write_symop (SymGroup const &grp, Index i, jsonParser &j)
void CASM::write_symgroup (SymGroup const &grp, jsonParser &json)
void CASM::write_basis_permutation_rep (SymGroup const &grp, jsonParser &group_rep_json, SymGroupRepID symgrouprep_id)
 Describes how integral site coordinates transform under application of symmetry. More...
void CASM::write_occ_permutation_rep (SymGroup const &grp, jsonParser &json, std::vector< SymGroupRepID > occupant_symrep_IDs)
void CASM::write_matrix_rep (SymGroupRepHandle const &grp, jsonParser &json)