
class prisms_jobs.JobDB(dbpath=None)[source]

Bases: object

A primsms_jobs Job Database object

Usually this is called without arguments (prisms_jobs.JobDB()) to open or create a database in the default location.

Parameters:dbpath (str, optional) – Path to JobDB sqlite database. By default, uses prisms_jobs.config.dbpath().

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


__init__([dbpath]) Initialize self.
abort_job([jobid, job]) Delete a job and mark job taskstatus as Aborted
add(job_status) Add a record to the jobs database.
close() Close the connection to the jobs database.
complete_job([jobid, job]) Mark job taskstatus as ‘Complete’
connect([dbpath]) Open a connection to the jobs database.
continue_all() Resubmit all jobs eligible to continue
continue_job([jobid, job]) Resubmit one job with given jobid.
delete_job([jobid, job, series]) Delete job if running, and delete job from the database.
eligible_to_abort(job) Check if job is eligible to be aborted
eligible_to_complete(job) Check if job is eligible to be completed
eligible_to_continue(job) Return True if job is eligible to be continued, else return False
eligible_to_delete(job) Check if job is eligible to be aborted
eligible_to_error(job) Check if job is eligible to be marked as error
eligible_to_reset(job) Check if job is eligible to be reset
error_job(message[, jobid, job]) Mark job taskstatus as ‘Error: message’
print_active([full, series]) Print active jobs
print_all([full, series]) Print all jobs
print_header() Print header rows for record summary
print_job([jobid, job, full, series]) Print job with given jobid
print_selected([curs, full, series]) Fetch and print jobs selected with SQL SELECT statement using cursor ‘curs’.
print_untracked([full]) Print untracked jobs.
reset_job([jobid, job]) Mark job taskstatus as ‘Incomplete’
select_active_series_id() Return a list of lists of jobids (one list for each active series).
select_all_active_id() Return a list with all active jobids.
select_all_id() Return a list with all jobids.
select_all_series_id() Return a list of lists of jobids (one list for each series).
select_child(jobid) Return record for the child of a job
select_job(jobid) Return record (sqlite3.Row object) for one job with given jobid.
select_parent(jobid) Return record for the parent of a job
select_range_id(min_jobid, max_jobid) Return a list of all jobids which are between (and including) min_jobid and max_jobid.
select_range_series_id(min_jobid, max_jobid) Return a list of lists of all jobids for series (one list for each series) which have the last job between (and including) min_jobid and max_jobid.
select_recent_id(recent_time) Return a list of all jobids which were modified in the last ‘recent_time’
select_recent_series_id(recent_time) Return a list of lists of jobids (one for each series) which were modified in the last ‘recent_time’
select_regex_id(key, regex) Return a list of all jobids in which the column ‘key’ matches the regular expression ‘regex’
select_regex_series_id(key, regex) Return a list of lists of jobids (one for each series) in which the column ‘key’ matches the regular expression ‘regex’
select_series(jobid) Return records (sqlite3.Row objects) for a series of auto jobs
select_series_id(jobid) Return a list with all jobids for a series of auto jobs.
update() Update records using qstat.

Print record as list of key-val pairs.

Parameters:r (dict) – a dict-like object

Print record summary

Parameters:r (dict) – a dict-like object containing: “jobid”, “jobname”, “nodes”, “procs”, “walltime”, “jobstatus”, “elapsedtime”, “taskstatus”, “auto”, and “continuation_jobid”
abort_job(jobid=None, job=None)[source]

Delete a job and mark job taskstatus as Aborted

  • jobid – jobid of the job to continue
  • job – (sqlite3.Row) If this is given, jobid is not necessary and is ignored if given

EligibilityError if job not eligible to be aborted


Add a record to the jobs database.

Parameters:job_status (dict) – Accepts a dictionary of data comprising the record. Create job_status using prisms_jobs.jobdb.job_status_dict().

Close the connection to the jobs database.

complete_job(jobid=None, job=None)[source]

Mark job taskstatus as ‘Complete’

  • jobid (str) – ID of job
  • job (sqlite3.Row object) – Job record from database

prisms_jobs.EligibilityError – If not job not eligible to be marked ‘Complete’


Open a connection to the jobs database.

  • dbpath (str, optional) – path to a JobDB database file. By default,
  • prisms_jobs.config.dbpath() (uses) –

Resubmit all jobs eligible to continue

continue_job(jobid=None, job=None)[source]

Resubmit one job with given jobid.

  • jobid – jobid of the job to continue
  • job – (sqlite3.Row) If this is given, jobid is not necessary and is ignored if given

EligibilityError if job not eligible to be continued

delete_job(jobid=None, job=None, series=False)[source]

Delete job if running, and delete job from the database.

  • jobid (str) – jobid of the job to continue
  • job (sqlite3.Row) – If this is given, jobid is not necessary and is ignored if given
  • series (bool) – If ‘series’=True, deletes entire job series

Check if job is eligible to be aborted

Jobs are eligible to be aborted if:
jobstatus != “C” or (jobstatus == “C” and (taskstatus == “Incomplete” or taskstatus == “Check”))
Parameters:job – a sqlite3.Row, as obtained by self.select_job()
Returns:(0, jobid, None) if eligible (1, jobid, msg) if not eligible

Check if job is eligible to be completed

Jobs are eligible to be completed if:
taskstatus != “Complete” and taskstatus != “Continued”
Parameters:job – a sqlite3.Row, as obtained by self.select_job()
Returns:(0, jobid, None) if eligible (1, jobid, msg) if not eligible

Return True if job is eligible to be continued, else return False

Job must have jobstatus=”C” and taskstatus=”Incomplete” and auto=1,
or else the job can not be continued.
Parameters:job – a sqlite3.Row, as obtained by self.select_job()
Returns:(0, jobid, None) if eligible (1, jobid, msg) if not eligible

Check if job is eligible to be aborted

All jobs are eligible to be deleted

Parameters:job – a sqlite3.Row, as obtained by self.select_job()
Returns:(0, jobid, None) if eligible (1, jobid, msg) if not eligible

Check if job is eligible to be marked as error

All jobs are eligible to be marked as error. (Should this exclude “Continued” jobs?)

Parameters:job – a sqlite3.Row, as obtained by self.select_job()
Returns:(0, jobid, None) if eligible (1, jobid, msg) if not eligible

Check if job is eligible to be reset

Jobs are eligible to be reset if they are ‘auto’ jobs, and
taskstatus == “Error:.*” or “Aborted”
Parameters:job – a sqlite3.Row, as obtained by self.select_job()
Returns:(0, jobid, None) if eligible (1, jobid, msg) if not eligible
error_job(message, jobid=None, job=None)[source]

Mark job taskstatus as ‘Error: message’

Any job can be marked as error.

  • jobid – jobid of the job to mark as error
  • job – (sqlite3.Row) If this is given, jobid is not necessary and is ignored if given
print_active(full=False, series=False)[source]

Print active jobs

“Active” jobs are those with taskstatus=’Incomplete’ or ‘Check’

  • full (bool) – If True, print as key:val pair list. If (default) False, print single row summary in ‘qstat’ style.
  • series (bool) – If True, print records as groups of auto submitting job series. If (default) False, print in order found.
print_all(full=False, series=False)[source]

Print all jobs

  • full (bool) – If True, print as key:val pair list, If (default) False, print single row summary in ‘qstat’ style.
  • series (bool) – If True, print records as groups of auto submitting job series. If (default) False, print in order found.

Print header rows for record summary

print_job(jobid=None, job=None, full=False, series=False)[source]

Print job with given jobid

  • jobid (str) – ID of job
  • job (sqlite3.Row object) – Job record from database
  • full (bool) – If True, print as key:val pair list, If (default) False, print single row summary in ‘qstat’ style.
  • series (bool) – If True, print records as groups of auto submitting job series. If (default) False, print in order found.
print_selected(curs=None, full=False, series=False)[source]

Fetch and print jobs selected with SQL SELECT statement using cursor ‘curs’.

  • curs – Fetch selected jobs from sqlite3 cursor ‘curs’. If no ‘curs’ given, use self.curs.
  • full (bool) – If True, print as key:val pair list, If (default) False, print single row summary in ‘qstat’ style.
  • series (bool) – If True, print records as groups of auto submitting job series. If (default) False, print in order found.

Print untracked jobs.

Untracked jobs are stored in self.untracked after calling JobDB.update().

Parameters:full (bool) – If True, print as key:val pair list, If (default) False, print single row summary in ‘qstat’ style.
reset_job(jobid=None, job=None)[source]

Mark job taskstatus as ‘Incomplete’

Jobs are eligible to be reset if they are ‘auto’ jobs, and
taskstatus == “Error:.*” or “Aborted”
  • jobid – jobid of the job to mark as error
  • job – (sqlite3.Row) If this is given, jobid is not necessary and is ignored if given

prisms_jobs.EligibilityError – If not job not eligible to be marked ‘Complete’


Return a list of lists of jobids (one list for each active series).

“Active” series of auto jobs are those with one job with
taskstatus=’Incomplete’ or ‘Check’

Return a list with all active jobids.

“Active” jobs are those with taskstatus=’Incomplete’ or ‘Check’


Return a list with all jobids.


Return a list of lists of jobids (one list for each series).


Return record for the child of a job

The child is the job whose jobid = continuation_jobid of job with given jobid


Return record (sqlite3.Row object) for one job with given jobid.


Return record for the parent of a job

The parent is the job with continuation_jobid = given jobid

select_range_id(min_jobid, max_jobid)[source]

Return a list of all jobids which are between (and including) min_jobid and max_jobid.

select_range_series_id(min_jobid, max_jobid)[source]

Return a list of lists of all jobids for series (one list for each series) which have the last job between (and including) min_jobid and max_jobid.


Return a list of all jobids which were modified in the last ‘recent_time’


Return a list of lists of jobids (one for each series) which were modified in the last ‘recent_time’

select_regex_id(key, regex)[source]

Return a list of all jobids in which the column ‘key’ matches the regular expression ‘regex’

select_regex_series_id(key, regex)[source]

Return a list of lists of jobids (one for each series) in which the column ‘key’ matches the regular expression ‘regex’


Return records (sqlite3.Row objects) for a series of auto jobs


Return a list with all jobids for a series of auto jobs.


Update records using qstat.

Any jobs found using qstat that are not in the jobs database are saved in ‘self.untracked’.