prisms_jobs documentation


prisms_jobs.Job([name, account, nodes, ppn, …]) Represents a computational job
prisms_jobs.JobDB([dbpath]) A primsms_jobs Job Database object
prisms_jobs.JobsError(jobid, msg) A custom error class for prisms_jobs errors
prisms_jobs.JobDBError(msg) Custom error class for JobDB
prisms_jobs.EligibilityError(jobid, msg) Custom error class for JobDB
prisms_jobs.complete_job([jobid, dbpath]) Mark the job as ‘Complete’ if possible
prisms_jobs.error_job(message[, jobid, dbpath]) Mark the job as ‘Error: message’ if possible


prisms_jobs.interface.torque Misc functions for interfacing between torque and the prisms_jobs module
prisms_jobs.interface.slurm Functions for interfacing between slurm and the prisms_jobs module
prisms_jobs.interface.default Stub to use when running on a machine without job management software


prisms_jobs.config.configure([settings]) Set configuration
prisms_jobs.config.dbpath() Settings dictionary
prisms_jobs.config.settings() Settings dictionary
prisms_jobs.config.read_config([dir]) Read configuration file.
prisms_jobs.config.write_config([dir, settings]) Write current configuration settings to file.
prisms_jobs.config.default_settings([dir]) Default configuration dictionary
prisms_jobs.config.config_dir() Return configuration directory
prisms_jobs.config.config_path([dir]) Return configuration file location
prisms_jobs.config.update_selection_method() The jobdb update selection method function
prisms_jobs.config.set_update_selection_method([…]) Enable customization of which jobs are selected for JobDB.update() The job management software interface module
prisms_jobs.config.set_software([software_name]) Import interface with job management software as module named
prisms_jobs.config.detect_software() Detect installed job management software


prisms_jobs.misc.getlogin() Returns os.getlogin(), else os.environ[“LOGNAME”], else “?”
prisms_jobs.misc.seconds(walltime) Convert [[[DD:]HH:]MM:]SS to hours
prisms_jobs.misc.hours(walltime) Convert [[[DD:]HH:]MM:]SS to hours
prisms_jobs.misc.strftimedelta(seconds) Convert seconds to D+:HH:MM:SS
prisms_jobs.misc.exetime(deltatime) Get the exetime string for the PBS ‘-a’option from a [[[DD:]MM:]HH:]SS string


prisms_jobs.templates.PrismsJob([name, …]) Returns a Job for the normal PRISMS queue.
prisms_jobs.templates.NonPrismsJob([name, …]) Returns a non-PRISMS-related Job for the normal PRISMS queue.
prisms_jobs.templates.PrismsPriorityJob([…]) Returns a high-priority Job for the normal PRISMS queue.
prisms_jobs.templates.PrismsDebugJob([name, …]) Returns a Job for the debug queue.
prisms_jobs.templates.PrismsSpecialJob([…]) Returns a special request Job for the normal PRISMS queue.