PRISMS-PF Manual v3.0-pre
You can create your own PRISMS-PF applications by making simple modifications to the input files described in the previous section. To create a new application, simply create a new folder in the applications directory and copy the files from a related example application. Currently, the new application folder must be in the applications directory, otherwise it will not be able to find the required files in the core PRISMS-PF library. If the file CMakeCache.txt exists, delete it (this file contains paths to the original application, and if left would cause the compiler to compile the code from the original application). Then, make your desired modifications (changing the initial or boundary conditions, changing the residual equations, etc.) and compile and run your application the same way you would one of the example applications.
Once your have your own applications running, we'd love to help you share them with the community. Please contact us at if you need help using GitHub to generate a pull request so that we can add your work to the public repository.