▼NGridRefinement | |
CRefinementCriterion | |
CboundaryCondition | Struct that stores relevant information for boundary conditions of a certain field |
CboundaryParameters | Struct that holds boundary parameters |
CcheckpointParameters | Struct that holds checkpoint parameters |
CcomputeIntegral | Compute the integral of a given field |
CconditionalOStreams | A class that allows printing to different output streams that are classified based on their verbosity. For now, this consists of two stream the release and debug. The debug stream provides more information that may be useful when debugging |
CconstraintHandler | The class handles the generation and application of boundary conditions based on the user-inputs |
CcustomAttributeLoader | |
CcustomInitialCondition | Forward declaration of user-facing implementation |
CcustomNonuniformDirichlet | Forward declaration of user-facing implementation |
CcustomPDE | |
CdofHandler | Class that manages the deal.II DoFHandlers |
CelementVolume | Compute the element volume |
CexplicitBase | Base class for explicit solves |
CexplicitConstantSolver | This class handles the explicit solves of all constant fields |
CexplicitPostprocessSolver | This class handles the explicit solves of all postprocessed fields |
CexplicitSolver | This class handles the explicit solves of all explicit fields |
CGMGSolver | Class that handles the assembly and solving of a field with a GMG preconditioner |
CidentitySolver | Class that handles the assembly and solving of a field with the identity preconditioner (no preconditioner) |
CinitialCondition | Function for user-implemented initial conditions. These are only ever calculated for explicit time dependent fields and implicit time dependent, as all others are calculated at runtime |
CinputFileReader | Parameters file reader. Declares parameter names in a dealii parameter_handler and parses the file for the values. Variable assignment occurs in userInputParameters |
CinvmHandler | This class handles the computation and access of the inverted mass matrix for explicit solves |
ClinearSolveParameters | Struct that holds linear solver parameters |
ClinearSolverBase | Base class that handles the assembly and linear solving of a field |
ClinearSolverParameters | Struct that stores relevant linear solve information of a certain field |
CmatrixfreeHandler | This class handlers the management and access of the matrix-free objects |
CmatrixFreeOperator | This is the abstract base class for the matrix-free implementation of some PDE |
CnonexplicitAuxiliarySolver | This class handles all auxiliary solves |
CnonexplicitBase | Base class for nonexplicit solves |
CnonexplicitCoNonlinearSolver | This class handles the nonlinear solves of a several nonexplicit fields |
CnonexplicitLinearSolver | This class handles all linear solves |
CnonexplicitSelfNonlinearSolver | This class handles the self-nonlinear solves of a single nonexplicit field |
CnonlinearSolveParameters | Struct that holds nonlinear solver parameters |
CnonlinearSolverParameters | Struct that stores relevant nonlinear solve information of a certain field |
CnonuniformDirichlet | Function for user-implemented nonuniform dirichlet boundary condition |
CoutputParameters | Struct that holds output parameters |
CpairHash | Simple hash function for pairs |
CparseCMDOptions | Class to parse command line options |
CPDEProblem | This is the main class that handles the construction and solving of user-specified PDEs |
CsolutionHandler | Class that manages solution initialization and swapping with old solutions |
CsolutionOutput | Class that outputs a passed solution to vtu, vtk, or pvtu |
CspatialDiscretization | Struct that holds spatial discretization parameters |
CTeeStream | Combined output streams so we can output to terminal and the summary.log with a single statement |
CtemporalDiscretization | Struct that holds temporal discretization parameters |
Ctimer | Timer class for PRISMS-PF |
CtriangulationHandler | This class handlers the generation and manipulation of triangulations |
CuserConstants | Class the stores and manages user-defined constants |
CuserInputParameters | |
CvariableAttributeLoader | Class to manage the variable attributes that the user specifies |
CvariableAttributes | Structure to hold the variable attributes of a field. This includes things like the name, equation type, whether it's nonlinear, and its dependence on other variables |
CvariableContainer | This class permits the access of a subset of indexed fields and gives an error if any non-allowed fields are requested |