DoF Space


A degrees of freedom (DoF) space is a subset of the space of crystal states allowed by a Prim.

Defining a DoF space

A DoF space is specified by selecting a DoF type (for example "disp", "GLstrain"), and, for site DoF, a supercell and set of sites whose DoF are included in the DoF space.


Consider a configuration with 4 sites, each with displacement DoF allowed. Let 2 sites (with site indices 0 and 2) be fixed at zero displacement, and define a displacement DoF space consisting of the other 2 sites (with site indices 1 and 3) which are allowed to vary completely.

Then the DoF space has dimension 6 (for 2 sites with displacements allowed in 3d), with axes labeled ["dx[2]", "dy[2]", "dz[2]", "dx[4]", "dy[4]", "dz[4]"].

The DoF space axis labels have the format <prim_basis_axis_name>[<site_index>+1] because the current conventions in CASM are such that site indices begin with 0, but axes indices begin with 1.

It is also possible to further restrict the DoF space by specifying a subspace via choice of a basis. Then DoF values in the DoF space can be converted between representations in the standard basis, the user-specified prim basis, and the DoF space basis using:

\[\begin{align*} v^{standard} &= Q^{prim} * v^{prim} \\ v^{prim} &= Q^{dofspace} * v^{dofspace} \end{align*}\]


  • $v^{standard}$ are DoF values represented in the standard basis (shape=(standard_dim,))
  • $v^{prim}$ are DoF values in the user-specified prim basis (shape=(prim_dim,))
  • $v^{dofspace}$ are DoF values in the DoF space basis (shape=(dofspace_dim,))
  • $Q^{prim}$ is a matrix constructed from the user-specified prim basis for all DoF included in the DoF space (shape=(standard_dim, prim_dim))
  • $Q^{dofspace}$ is the DoF space basis (shape=(prim_dim, dofspace_dim))
  • standard_dim is the sum of the standard basis dimension for all DoF included in the DoF space
  • prim_dim is the sum of the user-specified prim basis dimension for all DoF included in the DoF space
  • dofspace_dim is the subspace dimension specified by choice of $Q^{dofspace}$

Example: Given the previous example, the DoF space can be further limited to only displacements along x on the two selected sites with the choice:

\(\begin{align*} B^{dofspace} = \left[ \begin{array}{cc} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 \end{array} \right] \end{align*}\)

DoF space symmetry analysis

To sample crystal states in a DoF space, an efficient way to proceed is to find the “irreducible wedge” (the portion of the DoF space that falls between high symmetry directions and fills the entire DoF space under application of the relevant symmetry group, $g$) and enumerate states within the irreducible wedge.

CASM can perform a DoF space symmetry analysis to identify the irreducible subspaces (the subspaces of the full DoF space that are unchanged under transformation by $g$). Once those are found, CASM constructs “symmetry-adapted axes” (a DoF space basis with axes aligned with the irreducible subspaces), identify the high symmetry directions, and construct the irreducible wedge.

The irreducible wedge itself is formed by a combination of one or more “subwedges”, each of which spans the DoF space basis, but by itself may not fill the entire DoF space under application of $g$. The “subwedges” are in turn constructed from a symmetrically unique portion of an irreducible subspace (an “irrep wedge”).

Note: A symmetry analysis of a displacement DoF space that includes all sites in a supercell will also find rigid translations so that they can be removed.

Note: For more details, see J. C. Thomas, A. Van der Ven, J. Mech. Phys. Solids 107 76–95 (2017) doi:10.1016/j.jmps.2017.06.009.

Project files

This format is used for dof_space_<dof_type>.json files. A DoF space symmetry analysis can be performed using casm sym --dof-space-analysis.

JSON Attribute List

DoF Space attributes:

Name Description Format
axis_dof_component DoF component index, in the prim basis, specified by each element of $v^{prim}$ null or array of int
axis_site_index Site index of the DoF specified by each element of $v^{prim}$ null or array of int
basis DoF subspace basis $(Q^{dofspace})^{\top}$ 2d array of number
dof DoF type string
glossary DoF space axes names array of string
identifier DoF space identifier string
irreducible_representations Irreducible space decomposition results Irrep Decomposition
irreducible_wedge Irreducible wedge of the DoF space dict
sites Sites included in the DoF space null or array of int
state Configuration state null or Configuration state
symmetry_representation Symmetry group matrix representation 3d array of number
transformation_matrix_to_supercell Transformation matrix from prim to supercell lattice vectors null or 2d array of int

Irrep Decomposition attributes:

Name Description Format
adapted_axes Symmetry adapted axes dict
irreducible_wedge Irreducible wedges of the irreducible spaces dict
irrep_axes Axes of each irreducible space dict
subgroup_invariant_directions High-symmetry directions of each irreducible space dict
symop_matrices Symmetry group matrix representation for reach irreducible space dict

JSON Attributes Description

DoF Space JSON object

  • axis_dof_component: null or array of int, (shape=(standard_dim,))

    For a site DoF space, axis_dof_component[i] is the index in the user-specified prim basis of the DoF specified by $v^{prim}_{i}$.

    For a global DoF space, it is null. The user-specified prim basis is always used for a global DoF space.

    Example: A displacement DoF space of 2 sites, where the user-specified prim basis is 2d with axes ["d1", "d2"]

    "axis_dof_component": [0, 1, 0, 1]

    Example: A displacement DoF space of 2 sites, using the standard basis with axes ["dx", "dy", "dz"]

    "axis_dof_component": [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2]
  • axis_site_index: null or array of int, (shape=(standard_dim,))

    For a site DoF space, axis_site_index[i] is the site index of the DoF specified by $v^{prim}_{i}$.

    For a global DoF space, it is null.

    Example: A displacement DoF space of 2 sites, with site indices [1, 3], where the user-specified prim basis is 2d with axes ["d1", "d2"]

    "axis_site_index": [1, 1, 3, 3]

    Example: A displacement DoF space of 2 sites, with site indices [1, 3], using the standard basis with axes ["dx", "dy", "dz"]

    "axis_site_index": [1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3]
  • basis: 2d array of number, shape=(dofspace_dim, prim_dim)

    The DoF space basis, printed as the transpose, $(Q^{dofspace})^{\top}$, so that it is an array of axes in the full DoF space.

  • dof: string

    The name of the DoF type described by this DoF space.

  • glossary: array of string

    Strings describing each component of $v^{prim}$.

    The DoF space axis labels listed in glossary have the format <prim_basis_axis_name>[<site_index>+1] because the current conventions in CASM are such that site indices begin with 0, but axes indices begin with 1.

    Example: A displacement DoF space of 2 sites, where the user-specified prim basis is 2d with axes ["d1", "d2"]

    "glossary": ["d1[2]", "d2[2]", "d1[4]", "d2[4]"]
  • identifier: string

    A string to help users identify the DoF space, particularly in situations where many DoF spaces are considered in a batch operation. Typically it is a supercell name, configuration name, or configuration name and description of selected sites.

  • irreducible_representations: [Irrep Decomposition]

    Irreducible space decomposition results

  • irreducible_wedge: dict

    For each “subwedge” of the total irreducible wedge, an array (of size dofspace_dim) of axes (of size prim_dim) defining the edges of the subwedge. The combination of all subwedges is the total irreducible wedge.


    "irreducible_wedge" : {
      "subwedge_axes_1" : [ // size = dofspace_dim
        [... subwedge 1, axis 1 ...],  // size = prim_dim
        [... subwedge 1, axis 2 ...],
      "subwedge_axes_2" : [[... array of subwedge axes ...]],
      "subwedge_axes_3" : [[... array of subwedge axes ...]],
  • sites: null or array of int

For a site DoF, an array of site index of the sites with DoF included in the DoF space.

For a global DoF space, it is null.

  • state: null or Configuration state

    The Configuration state specifies a Configuration and set of selected sites.

    The group of symmetry operations that (i) leaves the DoF values of the background configuration invariant, and (ii) does not cause any permutation between the set of selected and unselected sites is the group, $g$, used for the DoF space symmetry analysis. For a global DoF space, all sites will be selected.

  • symmetry_representation: 3d array of number (shape=(g_size, prim_dim, prim_dim))

    The element symmetry_representation[i] is a matrix representation, $M_{i}$, for the symmetry operation $g_{i}$ in group $g$ of size g_size, which transforms $v^{prim}$ according to $v_{after}^{prim} = M_{i} * v_{before}^{prim}$.

  • transformation_matrix_to_supercell: null or 2d array of int (shape=(3,3))

    For a site DoF space, the matrix that transforms the prim lattice vectors into the supercell lattice vectors. Defined as in Configuration.

    For a global DoF space, it is null.

Irrep Decomposition JSON object

Results of an irreducible space decomposition.

  • adapted_axes: dict (size=dofspace_dim)

    The symmetry adapted axes, labeled q1, q2, etc. are axes (of size prim_dim and represented in terms of $Q^{prim}$ column axes) aligned along high-symmetry directions in the irreducible spaces. Combined as a basis set, they form the columns of a possible choice of $Q^{dofspace}$ which spans the same DoF space as basis.

    Example: Symmetry adapted axes for a subspace (dofspace_dim=3) of the full strain DoF space (prim_dim=6) using the Hency strain metric (Hstrain) for a FCC prim with given basis.

    "basis" : [
      [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
      [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
      [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    "adapted_axes" : {
      "q1" : [ 0.577350269190, 0.577350269190, 0.577350269190, 0.000000000000, 0.000000000000, 0.000000000000 ],
      "q2" : [ -0.408248290464, -0.408248290464, 0.816496580928, 0.000000000000, 0.000000000000, -0.000000000000 ],
      "q3" : [ 0.707106781187, -0.707106781187, -0.000000000000, -0.000000000000, -0.000000000000, 0.000000000000 ]
  • irreducible_wedge: dict

    Irreducible wedges of the irreducible spaces. Irreducible wedge axes are vectors represented in terms of the adapted axes spanning each irreducible space (as ordered by irrep_axes.

    Example: Irreducible wedges for the irreducible spaces of the full strain DoF space (prim_dim=6) using the Hencky strain metric (Hstrain) for a FCC prim.

    "irreducible_wedge" : {
      "irrep_1_1" : [
        [ 1.000000000000 ]
      "irrep_2_1" : [
        [ -0.500000000000, 0.866025403784 ],
        [ -1.000000000000, 0.000000000000 ]
      "irrep_3_1" : [
        [ 1.000000000000, 0.000000000000, 0.000000000000 ],
        [ 0.577350269190, 0.577350269190, 0.577350269190 ],
        [ 0.577350269190, 0.577350269190, -0.577350269190 ]
  • irrep_axes: dict

    The names of the axes (defined in adapted_axes) of each irreducible space. Irreducible spaces names follow the convention irrep_<i>_<j>, where the i index comes from sorting irreps according to properties including their dimension and character vectors, and j is a sequential index to differentiate irreps with the same character vectors.


    "irrep_axes" : {
      "irrep_1_1" : [ "q1" ],
      "irrep_2_1" : [ "q2", "q3" ],
      "irrep_3_1" : [ "q4", "q5", "q6" ]
  • subgroup_invariant_directions: dict

    The orbits of the high-symmetry directions of each irreducible space. The high symmetry directions are vectors represented in terms of the adapted axes spanning each irreducible space (as ordered by irrep_axes.


    "subgroup_invariant_directions" : {
      "irrep_1_1" : {
        "direction_orbit_1" : [
          [ 1.000000000000 ]
        "direction_orbit_2" : [
          [ -1.000000000000 ]
      "irrep_2_1" : {
        "direction_orbit_1" : [
          [ -0.500000000000, 0.866025403784 ],
          [ -0.500000000000, -0.866025403784 ],
          [ 1.000000000000, -0.000000000000 ]
        "direction_orbit_2" : ...
      "irrep_3_1" : ...
  • symop_matrices: dict

    Symmetry group matrix representation for transforming vectors in each irreducible space.


    "symop_matrices" : {
      "irrep_1_1" : {
        "op_01": [[... matrix rep ...]],
        "op_02": [[... matrix rep ...]],
      "irrep_2_1" : {
        "op_01": [[... matrix rep ...]],
        "op_02": [[... matrix rep ...]],
      "irrep_3_1" : {
        "op_01": [[... matrix rep ...]],
        "op_02": [[... matrix rep ...]],


Example DoF Space files:

  1. Strain DoF space, using the Hencky strain metric, of a system with an FCC prim: [dof_space_Hstrain_ex1.json]
  2. Displacement DoF space, selecting 2 of 4 total configuration sites in the L12 ordering of a system with an FCC prim: [dof_space_disp_ex1.json]
  3. Displacement DoF space, including all 4 total configuration sites, and identifying rigid translations (“homogeneous modes”), in the L12 ordering of a system with an FCC prim: [dof_space_disp_ex2.json]