

A representation of a single crystal state, defined by the specification of degrees of freedom (DoF) values in a supercell of a Prim.

Project filesPermalink

This format is used for the config.json file, which may be generated using the casm query --write-config method.

JSON Attributes ListPermalink

Configuration attributes:

Name Description Format
dof DoF values ConfigDoF
supercell_name Supercell name string
transformation_matrix_to_supercell Transformation matrix from prim to supercell lattice vectors 2d array of int

ConfigDoF attributes:

Name Description Format
occ Occupation values array of int
local_dofs Continuous site DoF values dict
global_dofs Continuous global DoF values dict

Configuration state attributes:

Name Description Format
configuration Configuration Configuration
sites Selected sites array of int

JSON Attributes DescriptionPermalink

Configuration JSON objectPermalink

  • dof: ConfigDoF (optional)

    Specifies DoF values for this configuration.

    When reading a Configuration from JSON, if dof is not present the default configuration (with all DoF values equal 0) will be used. If dof is present, then it is required to include values for all DoF defined in the prim.

  • supercell_name: string (optional)

    The name of the supercell.

    If the supercell lattice is in canonical form, the name has the format "SCELV_A_B_C_D_E_F", where V is the integer supercell volume (as a multiple of the primitive cell volume), and "A_B_C_D_E_F" are integer values of the hermite normal form of the transformation_matrix_to_supercell matrix. If the supercell is not in canonical form, the name has the format "SCELV_A_B_C_D_E_F.G", where G is the index in the prim factor group of an operation that transforms the supercell lattice vectors in canonical form to the supercell lattice vector in its current form.

    When reading a Configuration from JSON, CASM determines the supercell from transformation_matrix_to_supercell only and supercell_name is ignored.

  • transformation_matrix_to_supercell: 2d array of int (required, shape=(3,3))

    The matrix that transforms the prim lattice vectors into the supercell lattice vectors, according to $S = P * T$, where $S$ is the supercell lattice vectors as a column vector matrix, $P$ is the prim lattice vectors as a column vector matrix, and $T$ is transformation_matrix_to_supercell.

ConfigDoF JSON objectPermalink

Specifies DoF values for a configuration. Required to include values for all DoF defined in the prim.

  • occ: array of int (required)

    Occupation DoF values are represented by an array of integers, of size equal to the number of sites in the supercell, and sorted by sublattice. The integer value is the index into the [occupants list] of the sublattice the site is a part of.

    Example: Occupation values for a configuration of in a volume 8 supercell of a prim with 2 basis sites

    //     |<- sublattice 0 ----->| <- sublattice 1 ----->]
    "occ": [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]

    Within the block of a particular sublattice, values are ordered by the same unit cell ordering.

    Note: For a given supercell, the casm info -m SupercellInfo method can be used to obtain information about the supercell, including the coordinates of sites in the supercell (from the cart_coordinate, frac_coordinate, or integral_site_coordinates properties) and the order of unit cells within the block of a particular sublattice (from the unitcells property).

  • local_dofs: dict

    The values of the continuous site DoF.

    Each row corresponds to a site (in the same order as the occ values), and contains the site DoF value as a vector in the standard basis.

    Note: Whether or not a user-specified basis is given in the prim, local_dofs values are always written to JSON using the standard basis. When reading a Configuration from JSON, CASM transforms values from the standard basis into the user-specified basis for internal use.

    Example: Displacement values in the standard basis, $[d_x, d_y, d_z]$, for a configuration with 4 sites

    "local_dofs" : {
      "disp" : {
        "values" : [
          [  0.100000000000,  0.100000000000, 0.000000000000 ],
          [ -0.100000000000, -0.100000000000, 0.000000000000 ],
          [  0.100000000000, -0.100000000000, 0.000000000000 ],
          [ -0.100000000000,  0.100000000000, 0.000000000000 ]
  • global_dofs: dict

    The values of the continuous global DoF, represented as a vector in the standard basis.

    Note: Whether or not a user-specified basis is given in the prim, global_dofs values are always written to JSON using the standard basis. When reading a Configuration from JSON, CASM transforms values from the standard basis into the user-specified basis for internal use.

    Example: Green-Lagrange strain metric values in the standard basis, $[E_{xx}, E_{yy}, E_{zz}, \sqrt(2)E_{yz}, \sqrt(2)E_{xz}, \sqrt(2)E_{xy}]$, $E=\frac{1}{2}(C-I)$

    "global_dofs" : {
      "GLstrain" : {
        "values" : [ 0.100000000000, 0.100000000000, 0.100000000000, 0.000000000000, 0.000000000000, 0.000000000000 ]

Configuration State JSON objectPermalink

A Configuration and set of selected sites, used as an input to several CASM methods.

  • configuration: Configuration

    A Configuration.

  • sites: array of int

    An array of indices of selected sites, ordered as described for the occ values.


Example 1) Configuration with occupation onlyPermalink

  "dof" : {
    "occ" : [ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
  "supercell_name" : "SCEL4_2_2_1_1_1_0",
  "transformation_matrix_to_supercell" : [
    [ -1, 1, 1 ],
    [ 1, -1, 1 ],
    [ 1, 1, -1 ]

Example 2) Configuration with occupation, displacement, and strain DoFPermalink

  "dof" : {
    "global_dofs" : {
      "GLstrain" : {
        "values" : [ 0.010000000000, 0.010000000000, 0.010000000000, 0.000000000000, 0.000000000000, 0.000000000000 ]
    "local_dofs" : {
      "disp" : {
        "values" : [
          [ 0.000000000000, 0.000000000000, 0.000000000000 ],
          [ 0.000000000000, 0.000000000000, 0.000000000000 ],
          [ 0.000000000000, 0.000000000000, 0.000000000000 ],
          [ 0.000000000000, 0.000000000000, 0.000000000000 ]
    "occ" : [ 2, 2, 2, 1 ]
  "supercell_name" : "SCEL4_4_1_1_0_2_1",
  "transformation_matrix_to_supercell" : [
    [ -1, 1, 1 ],
    [ 1, -1, 1 ],
    [ 1, 1, -2 ]