Source code for casm.project.query

# # conda's current version of pandas raises these warnings, but they are safe
# # see:
# import warnings
# warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="numpy.dtype size changed")
# warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="numpy.ufunc size changed")

from io import StringIO
import pandas
import casm
from casm.misc import compat

[docs]def query(proj, columns, selection_path, selection_type, verbatim=True, all=False): """Return a pandas.DataFrame with `casm query` output Arguments --------- proj: casm.project.Project The project to query columns: iterable of str Corresponds to `casm query -k` arguments listing the values to be queried. Use `casm query --help properties` and `casm query --help operators` to list options. selection_path: str The `-c,--selection` option, a path to a selection file, or a standard selection name ("MASTER", "ALL", "CALCULATED", "NONE") selection_type: str The `-t,--type` option, indicates the type of object being selected. Expected to be one of: "config": to select configurations "scel": to select supercells verbatim: bool If True, use `-v,--verbatim` option to exclude 'name' and 'selected' columns from the query output. all: bool If True, use `-a,--all` to include unselected objects in the output Returns ------- data: pandas.DataFrame A DataFrame containing the query results. Note that no columns are loaded as bool dtype. """ args = query_args(columns, selection_path, selection_type, verbatim, all) stdout, stderr, returncode = proj.capture(args) try: sout = StringIO(stdout) if compat.peek(sout) == '#': return pandas.read_csv(sout, sep=compat.str(' +'), engine='python') except: print("Error in casm.query") print(" proj:", proj.path) print(" Attempted to execute: '" + args + "'") print("---- stdout: ---------------------") print(stdout) print("---- stderr: ---------------------") print(stderr) print("----------------------------------") raise
def query_args(columns, selection_path, selection_type, verbatim=True, all=False): """Constructs a string appropriate for use by `casm query` Arguments --------- columns: iterable of str Corresponds to `casm query -k` arguments listing the values to be queried. Use `casm query --help properties` and `casm query --help operators` to list options. selection_path: str The `-c,--selection` option, a path to a selection file, or a standard selection name ("MASTER", "ALL", "CALCULATED", "NONE") selection_type: str The `-t,--type` option, indicates the type of object being selected. Expected to be one of: "config": to select configurations "scel": to select supercells verbatim: bool If True, use `-v,--verbatim` option to exclude 'name' and 'selected' columns from the query output. all: bool If True, use `-a,--all` to include unselected objects in the output Returns ------- args: str A string appropriate for use by `casm query`. The `-o STDOUT` option is always included. Example: "query -k 'comp_n scel_size' -c MASTER -t config -v -o STDOUT" """ args = "query -k " args += "'" for k in columns: args += k + " " args += "'" args += " -c " + selection_path args += " -t " + selection_type if verbatim == True: args += " -v" if all: args += " -a" args += " -o STDOUT" return args