""" Job manipuation routines for VASP"""
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals)
from builtins import *
import os
import shutil
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import gzip
import warnings
import signal
from casm.vasp.error import VaspError, VaspWarning, error_check, crash_check
from casm.vasp import io
[docs]def complete_job(jobdir, settings):
"""Remove files from a vasp job directory
jobdir: path to current job directory
copy: Does nothing
move: Does nothing
compress: Compresses listed files
backup: Does nothing
remove: Deletes listed files
print("Complete VASP job: " + jobdir)
# remove files
print(" rm:", end=' ')
for f in settings["remove"]:
if not f in (settings["copy"] + settings["move"] + settings["compress"] + settings["backup"]):
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(jobdir,f)):
print(f, end=' ')
for f in settings["extra_input_files"]:
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(jobdir, f)):
print(f, end=' ')
# compress files
print(" gzip:", end=' ')
for file in settings["compress"]:
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(jobdir,file)):
print(file, end=' ')
# Open target file, target file.gz
f_in = open(os.path.join(jobdir, file), 'rb')
f_out = gzip.open(os.path.join(jobdir, file)+'.gz', 'wb')
# Compress, close files
# Remove original target file
[docs]def run(jobdir = None, stdout = "std.out", stderr = "std.err", npar=None, ncore=None, command=None, ncpus=None, kpar=None, poll_check_time = 5.0, err_check_time = 60.0, err_types=None):
""" Run vasp using subprocess.
The 'command' is executed in the directory 'jobdir'.
jobdir: directory to run vasp. If jobdir is None, the current directory is used.
stdout: filename to write to. If stdout is None, "std.out" is used.
stderr: filename to write to. If stderr is None, "std.err" is used.
npar: (int or None) VASP INCAR NPAR setting. If npar is None, then NPAR is removed from INCAR
kpar: (int or None) VASP INCAR KPAR setting. If kpar is None, then KPAR is removed from INCAR
ncore: (int or None) VASP INCAR NCORE setting. If not npar is None or ncore is None, then NCORE is removed from INCAR
command: (str or None) vasp execution command
If command != None: then 'command' is run in a subprocess
Else, if ncpus == 1, then command = "vasp"
Else, command = "mpirun -np {NCPUS} vasp"
ncpus: (int) if '{NCPUS}' is in 'command' string, then 'ncpus' is substituted in the command.
if ncpus==None, $PBS_NP is used if it exists, else 1
poll_check_time: how frequently to check if the vasp job is completed
err_check_time: how frequently to parse vasp output to check for errors
err_types: List of error types to check for. Supported errors: 'IbzkptError', 'SubSpaceMatrixError', 'NbandsError'. Default: None, in which case only SubSpaceMatrixErrors are checked.
print("Begin vasp run:")
if jobdir is None:
jobdir = os.getcwd()
currdir = os.getcwd()
if ncpus is None:
if "PBS_NP" in os.environ:
ncpus = os.environ["PBS_NP"]
elif "SLURM_NTASKS" in os.environ:
ncpus = os.environ["SLURM_NTASKS"]
ncpus = 1
if command is None:
if ncpus == 1:
command = "vasp"
command = "mpirun -np {NCPUS} vasp"
if re.search("\{NCPUS\}",command):
command = command.format(NCPUS=str(ncpus))
### Expand remaining environment variables
command = os.path.expandvars(command)
if npar is not None:
ncore = None
if npar is not None or ncore is not None:
io.set_incar_tag({"NPAR":npar, "NCORE":ncore}, jobdir)
if kpar is not None:
io.set_incar_tag({"KPAR":kpar}, jobdir)
print(" jobdir:", jobdir)
print(" exec:", command)
sout = open(os.path.join(jobdir,stdout),'w')
serr = open(os.path.join(jobdir,stderr),'w')
err = None
p = subprocess.Popen(command.split(),stdout=sout, stderr=serr)
# wait for process to end, and periodically check for errors
poll = p.poll()
last_check = time.time()
stopcar_time = None
while poll is None:
if time.time() - last_check > err_check_time:
last_check = time.time()
err = error_check(jobdir, os.path.join(jobdir, stdout), err_types)
if err != None:
# FreezeErrors are fatal and usually not helped with STOPCAR
if "FreezeError" in err.keys():
print(" VASP is frozen, killing job")
# Sometimes p.kill doesn't work if the process is on multiple nodes
os.kill(p.pid, signal.SIGKILL)
# If the job is re-invoked (e.g. via mpirun or srun) too quickly
# after the previous job ended, infinitiband clusters can have
# some issues with resource allocation. A 30s sleep solves this.
# Other errors can be killed with STOPCAR, which is safer
elif stopcar_time is None:
print(" Found errors:", end=' ')
for e in err:
print(e, end=' ')
print("\n Killing job with STOPCAR")
io.write_stopcar('e', jobdir)
stopcar_time = time.time()
# If the STOPCAR exists, wait 5 min before manually killing the job
elif time.time() - stopcar_time > 300:
print(" VASP is non-responsive, killing job")
os.kill(p.pid, signal.SIGKILL)
# If the job is re-invoked (e.g. via mpirun or srun) too quickly
# after the previous job ended, infinitiband clusters can have
# some issues with resource allocation. A 30s sleep solves this.
poll = p.poll()
# close output files
print("Run complete")
# check finished job for errors
if err is None:
# Crash-type errors take priority over any other error that may show up
err = crash_check(jobdir, os.path.join(jobdir, stdout), err_types)
if err is None:
err = error_check(jobdir, os.path.join(jobdir,stdout), err_types)
if err != None:
print(" Found errors:", end=' ')
for e in err:
print(e, end=' ')
return err