Sample Species File:
atm_dir_path = /absolute/path/to/atm_files
In In In_d0.atm 0 False -15.875 False
Ga Ga Ga_d0.atm 0 False -9.433 False
As As As.atm 0 False -16.20 False
Va Va vac.atm 0 False 0 True
Va_p Va vac.atm 1 True 0 True
Other valid tags:
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals)
from builtins import *
import os
import re
from .seq_exceptions import SpeciesError
class IndividualSpecies(object): #pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
The IndividualSpecies class contains:
self.name(str): the name as listed in the POS file
self.alias (str): the species file lists the name, geom printing uses this string
self.atm_dir (str): common directory for all *.atm files
self.atm_location (str): location of specific *.atm file relative to self.atm_dir
self.atm_file (str): abspath of particular *.atm (atm_dir/atm_file)
self.charge (float): charge of this site, if any
self.charge_loc (bool): whether or not this site can be a charge center
self.mass (float): atomic masses
self.spin (float): excess electrons in majority spin
self.gfixed (bool): whether species should be gfixed in space
self.tags (dict): the misc tags that need to be modified in the lcao.in for this specie
(ex. MAGMOM = 2) All values are stored as strings.
def __init__(self, values, tags, tags_idx, atm_dir, #pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
charge_idx=None, charge_loc_idx=None,
nrg_idx=None, mass_idx=None, spin_idx=None,
""" Construct an IndividualSpecies.
values (str list): entries in SPECIES file row
tags (str list): column names not specifically handled in SPECIES file, lcao.in
tags that need to be modified
tags_idx (int list): indices into columsn given by tags
atm_dir (str):common directory for all *.atm files
charge_idx (int): index of column with 'CHARGE'
charge_loc_idx (int): index of column with 'CHAGE_LOC'
nrg_idx (int): index of column with 'ENERGY_REF'
mass_idx (int): index of column with 'MASS'
spin_idx (int): index of column with 'SPIN_POL'
gfixed_idx (int): index of column with 'gfixed'
tag_len = (len(tags) + 3
+ bool(charge_idx) + bool(charge_loc_idx)
+ bool(nrg_idx) + bool(mass_idx) + bool(spin_idx) + bool(gfixed_idx))
if len(values) != tag_len:
raise SpeciesError("Length of values != length of tags + %i.\nvalues = " % tag_len
+ str(values) + "\ntags = " + str(tags))
self.name = values[0]
self.alias = values[1]
self.atm_dir = atm_dir
self.atm_location = values[2]
self.atm_file = os.path.join(self.atm_dir, self.atm_location.lstrip("/"))
self.tags = dict()
if charge_idx is not None:
self.charge = float(values[charge_idx])
self.charge_loc = (values[charge_loc_idx].lower() == "true")
self.charge = None
self.charge_loc = None
if nrg_idx is not None:
self.nrg = float(values[nrg_idx])
self.nrg = None
if mass_idx is not None:
self.mass = float(values[mass_idx])
self.mass = None
if spin_idx is not None:
self.spin = float(values[spin_idx])
self.spin = None
if gfixed_idx is not None:
self.gfixed = (values[gfixed_idx].lower() == 'true')
self.gfixed = False
for tag, idx in zip(tags, tags_idx):
self.tags[tag] = values[idx]
def write_header(self, stream):
""" Write header to a file """
stream.write("atm_dir_path = " + self.atm_dir + "\n")
headers = "{0:<12} {1:<12} {2:<36} {3:<12} {4:<12} ".format(
"SPECIES", "ALIAS", "atm_location", "CHARGE", "CHARGE_LOC")
for key in sorted(self.tags.keys()):
headers += "{0:<12}".format(key)
stream.write(headers + "\n")
def write(self, stream):
""" Write IndividualSpecies line"""
values = "{0:<12} {1:<12} {2:<36} {3:<12} {4:<12} ".format(
self.name, self.alias, self.atm_location, self.charge, self.charge_loc)
for key in sorted(self.tags.keys()):
values += "{0:<12}".format(self.tags[key])
stream.write(values + "\n")
def print_all(self):
""" Print contents of SPECIES """
[docs]def species_settings(filename): #pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-branches
""" Returns a dict of IndividualSpecies objects, with keys equal to their names. """
with open(filename) as stream:
# Read atm_dir_path from first line
line = stream.readline()
match = re.match(r"atm_dir_path\s*=\s*(.*)", line)
if not match:
raise SpeciesError("""Could not read atm_dir_path.
Expected: atm_dir_path = /path/to/atm_dir
Found: '" + line + "'""")
atm_dir_path = match.group(1)
# Allocating
tags = []
tags_idx = []
charge_idx = None
charge_loc_idx = None
nrg_idx = None
mass_idx = None
spin_idx = None
gfixed_idx = None
### Parsing the header ###
header = stream.readline().strip()
column_names = header.split()
# Check if the header is even valid
if len(column_names) < 3:
raise SpeciesError("Insufficient number of columns in SPECIES file")
for i, name in enumerate(column_names):
if name in ['SPECIES', 'ALIAS', 'atm_location']:
# Look for 'CHARGE'
elif name == 'CHARGE':
charge_idx = i
charge_loc_idx = column_names.index("CHARGE_LOC")
except ValueError:
raise SpeciesError("Keywords CHARGE and CHARGE_LOC must both be specified!")
elif name == 'CHARGE_LOC':
# Look for 'ENERGY_REF'
elif name == 'ENERGY_REF':
nrg_idx = i
# Look for 'MASS'
elif name == 'MASS':
mass_idx = i
# Look for 'SPIN_POL'
elif name == 'SPIN_POL':
spin_idx = i
# Look for 'gfixed'
elif name == 'gfixed':
gfixed_idx = i
tags += [name]
tags_idx += [i]
my_species_settings = dict()
for line in stream:
if line.strip():
values = line.strip().split()
my_species_settings[values[0]] = IndividualSpecies(values, tags, tags_idx,
atm_dir_path, charge_idx,
charge_loc_idx, nrg_idx,
mass_idx, spin_idx, gfixed_idx)
return my_species_settings
def write_species_settings(species, filename):
""" Write a SPECIES file from a species dict """
with open(filename, 'w') as stream:
for spec in sorted(species.keys()):