Source code for casm.quantumespresso.qeio.qerun

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals)
from builtins import *

import os, gzip,re
import numpy as np
from casm.quantumespresso.qeio import outfile, poscar

[docs]class QErunError(Exception): def __init__(self,msg): self.msg = msg def __str__(self): return self.msg
[docs]class QErun: """ An object containing values read from outfile The QErun class contains: self.total_energy: final total energy ('e_wo_entrp') self.forces: final forces on atoms (2d list of double) self.atom_type: list of atom types (list of str) self.atoms_per_type: list of number of atoms for each atom type (list of int) self.lattice: final lattice (2d list of double) self.rec_lat: final reciprocal lattice (2d list of double) self.basis: final basis (2d list of double) self.coord_mode: coordinate mode for basis (always 'direct') self.is_complete: did the QE calculation run to completion? (bool) self.dos: Basic DOS output (3d list of double or bool) self.efermi: Fermi level for DOS use (double) self.dos_lm: l or lm-projected DOS output (4d list of double or bool) self.eigenvalues: eigenvalues and energies for doing band structure plots (list of 2d list of double) self.all_e_0: energy (e_0_energy) for each electronic step of each ionic step self.elec_conv: says whether the last scf steps converged within the maximum electron_maxstep """
[docs] def __init__(self, outfilename, DOS=False, Band=False): """ Create a QErun object from an infile and outfile """ #### Filename ######################### self.outfilename = outfilename #### set default values ############### # final energy ('e_wo_entrp') self.total_energy = None # final forces on atoms (2d list) self.forces = [] # list of atom types self.atom_type = [] # list of number of atoms for each atom type self.atoms_per_type = [] # final lattice (2d list) self.lattice = None # final rec lattice (2d list) self.rec_lat = None # final basis (2d list) self.basis = None # coordinate mode for basis self.coord_mode = '' # did the QE calculation run to completion? self.is_complete = False # Is DOS present? self.DOS = DOS # Whether to even read DOS; grabbed from init args self.dos = None # What about band structure? self.Band = Band if self.Band: self.DOS = True # Need to read DOS to do some band things # What is the fermi level? self.efermi = None # is l or lm-projected DOS present? self.dos_lm = None # Energy (e_0_energy) for each electronic step for each ionic step self.all_e_0 = [] ##### read from infile and outfile ######## self.iter_read()
[docs] def is_complete(self): """ Return True if QE calculation ran to completion """ return self.is_complete
[docs] def iter_read(self): """ Create a QErun object from an outfile """ myoutfile = outfile.Outfile(self.outfilename) pos = poscar.Poscar(self.outfilename) self.is_complete = myoutfile.complete self.all_e_0 = myoutfile.E self.total_energy = self.all_e_0[-1] self.lattice = pos._lattice.tolist() self.rec_lat = pos._reciprocal_lattice self.coord_mode = pos.coord_mode self.atom_type = pos.type_atoms self.atoms_per_type = pos.num_atoms self.elec_conv = True ###Read things that haven't been taken care of by other functions ### i.e. efermi, dos_lm, Band, DOS, dos, forces, nstep if os.path.isfile(self.outfilename): if self.outfilename.split(".")[-1].lower() == "gz": f = else: f = open(self.outfilename) elif os.path.isfile(self.outfilename+".gz"): f =".gz") else: raise QErunError("file not found: " + self.outfilename) line=f.readline() m ="Final en.*",line) while not m and self.elec_conv: line = f.readline() if line=='': self.elec_conv = False line = line.strip() m ="Final en.*",line) line=f.readline() m ="highest occupied level.*",line) if not m: while not m: line = f.readline() if line=='': raise QErunError("EOF reach without finding highest occupied level") line = line.strip() m ="highest occupied level.*",line) try: self.efermi = float(line.split()[-1]) except ValueError: raise QErunError("could not convert efermi to float") line=f.readline() m ="Forces acting on atoms.*",line) if not m: while not m: line = f.readline() if line=='': raise QErunError("EOF reach without finding Forces acting on atoms") line = line.strip() m ="Forces acting on atoms.*",line) forces=[] f.readline() for i in range(sum(self.atoms_per_type)): line=f.readline().split() forces+=[[float(line[-3]),float(line[-2]),float(line[-1])]] f.close() #Band & DOS stuff not implemented #parse basis from poscar object into 2d list names=[] for site in pos.basis: names+= [site.occ_alias] sortednames=sorted(names,key=lambda x: self.atom_type.index(x)) indexmap=sorted(range(len(names)),key=lambda x: sortednames.index(names[x])) rawlist=[] for site in pos.basis: rawlist += [site.position] #make sure basis and forces correspond self.basis = map(lambda x:rawlist[x].tolist() ,indexmap) self.forces = map(lambda x:forces[x] ,indexmap)