Introduction to Supercells

Within CASM, a configuration is used to represent a single crystal state.

A configuration is itself defined in terms of:

  • The primitive crystal structure and allowed degrees of freedom (DoF) (the “prim”).
  • A supercell, which specifies the translational periodicity of the configuration.
  • DoF values, including:
    • Site DoF “within” the supercell (i.e. the translationally unique part of the crystal state)
      • Discrete occupation DoF (atom type)
      • Continuous site DoF (displacment or magnetic spin)
    • Continuous global DoF (strain)

Supercells may be generated automatically when enumerating configurations, but it is also common to enumerate supercells independently and then choose which supercells to enumerate configurations in.

Supercell lattices

Supercell lattices are multiples of the prim lattice:

\[L^{scel} = L^{prim} * T,\]


  • $T$ is a 3x3 integer transformation matrix
  • $L^{scel}$ and $L^{prim}$ are the supercell and prim lattices, as column vector matrices

Equivalence of supercell lattices

Two supercell lattices, $L^{scel}$ and ${L^{scel}}^{\prime}$ are symmetrically equivalent if:

\[{L^{scel}}^{\prime} = A*L^{scel}*T,\]


  • $A$ is a crystal point group operation matrix
  • $T$ is an integer transformation matrix

Of all the symmetrically equivalent supercell lattices, CASM deterministically chooses one to be the “canonical” supercell lattice, based on an algorithm that favors symmetric, positive, diagonal $T$.

Supercell naming convention

CASM gives supercells a unique name of the form SCELV_A_B_C_D_E_F based on:

  • The supercell volume, V, which is the determinant of the supercell transformation matrix, $T$
  • The six non-zero elements (A-F) of the hermite normal form of $T$. The hermite normal form

Supercell Enumeration

The ScelEnum method of enum enables enumerating supercells. It includes options to control enumerating supercells within a range of volumes, as multiples of a non-primitive unit cell, and restricted to particular directions (i.e. 1d or 2d supercells).

In the following we give examples of supercell enumeration. A complete list of ScelEnum method parameters can be obtained with:

ccasm enum --desc ScelEnum

The examples will all use this prim structure for the system of HCP Zr with O or vacancy occupation of the octahedral interstitial sites:

  "basis" : [
      "coordinate" : [ 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000 ],
      "occupants" : [ "Zr" ]
      "coordinate" : [ 0.6666666667, 0.3333333333, 0.5000000 ],
      "occupants" : [ "Zr" ]
      "coordinate" : [ 0.3333333333, 0.6666666667, 0.2500000 ],
      "occupants" : [ "Va", "O" ]
      "coordinate" : [ 0.3333333333, 0.6666666667, 0.7500000 ],
      "occupants" : [ "Va", "O" ]
  "coordinate_mode" : "Fractional",
  "description" : "hcp Zr with octahedral interstitial O ",
  "lattice_vectors" : [
    [ 3.23398686, 0.00000000, 0.00000000 ],
    [ -1.61699343, 2.80071477, 0.00000000 ],
    [ -0.00000000, 0.00000000, 5.16867834 ]
  "title" : "ZrO"
mkdir -p $start/enum/ZrO && cd $start/enum/ZrO

echo "$prim_str" > prim.json
ccasm init

Initializing CASM project 'ZrO'
Creating CASM project directory tree at: "/Users/bpuchala/Work/codes/CASMcode_v0.2.X_reference/doc/examples/python_kernel/enum/ZrO"
Writing prim file: "/Users/bpuchala/Work/codes/CASMcode_v0.2.X_reference/doc/examples/python_kernel/enum/ZrO/.casm/prim.json"

Enumerate supercells up to a maximum volume

Enumerate all supercells of volume 4 or less.

ccasm enum -m ScelEnum -i '{"max": 4}'
-- Begin: ScelEnumByProps -- 
  Generated: SCEL1_1_1_1_0_0_0
  Generated: SCEL2_1_2_1_0_0_0
  Generated: SCEL2_1_2_1_1_0_0
  Generated: SCEL2_1_1_2_0_0_0
  Generated: SCEL3_3_1_1_0_0_1
  Generated: SCEL3_3_1_1_0_0_2
  Generated: SCEL3_1_3_1_2_0_0
  Generated: SCEL3_3_1_1_0_2_2
  Generated: SCEL3_1_1_3_0_0_0
  Generated: SCEL4_1_4_1_0_0_0
  Generated: SCEL4_2_2_1_0_0_1
  Generated: SCEL4_1_4_1_1_0_0
  Generated: SCEL4_4_1_1_0_3_2
  Generated: SCEL4_1_4_1_2_0_0
  Generated: SCEL4_2_2_1_0_1_1
  Generated: SCEL4_2_2_1_0_0_0
  Generated: SCEL4_2_2_1_0_1_0
  Generated: SCEL4_1_2_2_0_0_0
  Generated: SCEL4_1_2_2_1_0_0
  Generated: SCEL4_1_1_4_0_0_0

Committing database...  DONE

Enumerate supercells within a range of volumes

Enumerate all supercells of volume 6 or 7:

ccasm enum -m ScelEnum -i '{"min": 6, "max": 7}'
-- Begin: ScelEnumByProps -- 
  Generated: SCEL6_1_6_1_0_0_0
  Generated: SCEL6_3_2_1_0_0_1
  Generated: SCEL6_6_1_1_0_0_4
  Generated: SCEL6_1_6_1_5_0_0
  Generated: SCEL6_6_1_1_0_5_2
  Generated: SCEL6_6_1_1_0_5_3
  Generated: SCEL6_1_6_1_4_0_0
  Generated: SCEL6_3_2_1_0_1_1
  Generated: SCEL6_3_2_1_0_1_2
  Generated: SCEL6_1_6_1_3_0_0
  Generated: SCEL6_6_1_1_0_3_2
  Generated: SCEL6_2_3_1_0_1_1
  Generated: SCEL6_1_3_2_0_0_0
  Generated: SCEL6_3_1_2_0_0_2
  Generated: SCEL6_1_3_2_1_0_0
  Generated: SCEL6_3_1_2_0_2_2
  Generated: SCEL6_1_2_3_0_0_0
  Generated: SCEL6_1_2_3_1_0_0
  Generated: SCEL6_1_1_6_0_0_0
  Generated: SCEL7_7_1_1_0_0_1
  Generated: SCEL7_7_1_1_0_0_2
  Generated: SCEL7_7_1_1_0_0_5
  Generated: SCEL7_1_7_1_1_0_0
  Generated: SCEL7_7_1_1_0_3_4
  Generated: SCEL7_7_1_1_0_5_5
  Generated: SCEL7_7_1_1_0_5_6
  Generated: SCEL7_1_7_1_5_0_0
  Generated: SCEL7_7_1_1_0_4_2
  Generated: SCEL7_1_7_1_3_0_0
  Generated: SCEL7_1_1_7_0_0_0

Committing database...  DONE

Enumerate supercells of a non-primitive unit cell

Using the 2x2x2 supercell as the base unit cell, enumerate up to volume 4 times its volume:

ccasm enum -m ScelEnum -i '{
  "max": 4, 
  "unit_cell": [
    [2, 0, 0],
    [0, 2, 0],
    [0, 0, 2]
-- Begin: ScelEnumByProps -- 
  Generated: SCEL8_2_2_2_0_0_0
  Generated: SCEL16_2_4_2_0_0_0
  Generated: SCEL16_2_4_2_2_0_0
  Generated: SCEL16_2_2_4_0_0_0
  Generated: SCEL24_6_2_2_0_0_2
  Generated: SCEL24_6_2_2_0_0_4
  Generated: SCEL24_2_6_2_4_0_0
  Generated: SCEL24_6_2_2_0_4_4
  Generated: SCEL24_2_2_6_0_0_0
  Generated: SCEL32_2_8_2_0_0_0
  Generated: SCEL32_4_4_2_0_0_2
  Generated: SCEL32_2_8_2_2_0_0
  Generated: SCEL32_8_2_2_0_6_4
  Generated: SCEL32_2_8_2_4_0_0
  Generated: SCEL32_4_4_2_0_2_2
  Generated: SCEL32_4_4_2_0_0_0
  Generated: SCEL32_4_4_2_0_2_0
  Generated: SCEL32_2_4_4_0_0_0
  Generated: SCEL32_2_4_4_2_0_0
  Generated: SCEL32_2_2_8_0_0_0

Committing database...  DONE

Restrict supercell enumeration to particular directions

Note: The “dirs” values “a”, “b”, “c” indicate the first, second, and third lattice vector after applying “unit_cell”.

Using the 2x2x2 supercell as the basis unit cell, enumerate 2d supercells in the HCP basal plane.

ccasm enum -m ScelEnum -i '{
  "max": 9, 
  "unit_cell": [
    [2, 0, 0],
    [0, 2, 0],
    [0, 0, 2]
  "dirs": "ab"
-- Begin: ScelEnumByProps -- 
  Generated: SCEL8_2_2_2_0_0_0 (already existed)
  Generated: SCEL16_2_4_2_0_0_0 (already existed)
  Generated: SCEL24_6_2_2_0_0_2 (already existed)
  Generated: SCEL24_6_2_2_0_0_4 (already existed)
  Generated: SCEL32_2_8_2_0_0_0 (already existed)
  Generated: SCEL32_4_4_2_0_0_2 (already existed)
  Generated: SCEL32_4_4_2_0_0_0 (already existed)
  Generated: SCEL40_10_2_2_0_0_2
  Generated: SCEL40_10_2_2_0_0_4
  Generated: SCEL48_2_12_2_0_0_0
  Generated: SCEL48_6_4_2_0_0_2
  Generated: SCEL48_12_2_2_0_0_8
  Generated: SCEL56_14_2_2_0_0_2
  Generated: SCEL56_14_2_2_0_0_4
  Generated: SCEL56_14_2_2_0_0_10
  Generated: SCEL64_2_16_2_0_0_0
  Generated: SCEL64_8_4_2_0_0_2
  Generated: SCEL64_8_4_2_0_0_6
  Generated: SCEL64_16_2_2_0_0_10
  Generated: SCEL64_4_8_2_0_0_0
  Generated: SCEL72_18_2_2_0_0_2
  Generated: SCEL72_18_2_2_0_0_4
  Generated: SCEL72_6_6_2_0_0_4
  Generated: SCEL72_6_6_2_0_0_0

Committing database...  DONE

Selecting and Querying Enumerated Supercells

Use the -t scel option to indicate query and select operations on supercells. CASM stores a default list of selected supercells called the MASTER selection within the “.casm” directory. Other standard selections CASM defines that can be used with the -c option are:

  • All: all supercells in the database included and selected
  • NONE: all supercells in the database included but none selected
  • EMPTY: no supercells included

Note: CALCULATED is not allowed for supercells

Custom user lists can be generated with -o <filename> and used with -c <filename>.

Select all enumerated supercells

ccasm select -t scel --set-on
-- Input scel list: MASTER -- 
# scels in this project: 87
# scels included in this list: 87
# scels selected in this list: 0

-- set-on:  -- 
selection time: 1.9433e-05 (s)

-- Write: Selection -- 
write: "MASTER"

-- Output scel list: MASTER -- 
# scels in this project: 87
# scels included in this list: 87
# scels selected in this list: 87

Query properties of selected supercells

  • By default, the MASTER selection is queried
  • A list of properties that can be queried can be printed with:

    ccasm query --help properties

In this example, the supercell volume as a multiple of the prim is queried (scel_size) and the results are written to a file name all_supercells_and_size. Since the file is large, we only print the beginning of the file here for an example.

ccasm query -t scel -k scel_size > all_supercells_and_size
head all_supercells_and_size
   - scel_size

#                name    selected    scel_size
    SCEL1_1_1_1_0_0_0           1            1
    SCEL2_1_1_2_0_0_0           1            2
    SCEL2_1_2_1_0_0_0           1            2
    SCEL2_1_2_1_1_0_0           1            2
    SCEL3_1_1_3_0_0_0           1            3
    SCEL3_1_3_1_2_0_0           1            3

Combine selections and queries with operators

  • Queried properties can be combined through boolean and comparison operations.
  • A list of all operators can be printed with:

    ccasm query --help operators

This example selects all volume 4 supercells and saves them to a custom selection file named volume_4_scel_list.txt.

ccasm select -t scel -c ALL --set 'eq(scel_size,4)' -o volume_4_scel_list.txt
-- Input scel list: ALL -- 
# scels in this project: 87
# scels included in this list: 87
# scels selected in this list: 87

-- set: eq(scel_size,4) -- 
selection time: 0.000137277 (s)

-- Write: Selection -- 
write: "volume_4_scel_list.txt"

-- Output scel list: volume_4_scel_list.txt -- 
# scels in this project: 87
# scels included in this list: 87
# scels selected in this list: 11

Using a custom selection, writing a JSON output file

This example queries some properties of just the volume 4 supercells and saves the output as a JSON file named volume_4_props.json.

JSON output is obtained either by giving the output file a .json extension, or using the --json,-j option.

ccasm query -t scel -c volume_4_scel_list.txt -k multiplicity pointgroup_name lattice_params -o volume_4_props.json
head -n 30 volume_4_props.json
   - multiplicity
   - pointgroup_name
   - lattice_params
to "/Users/bpuchala/Work/codes/CASMcode_v0.2.X_reference/doc/examples/python_kernel/enum/ZrO/volume_4_props.json"


    "lattice_params" : [
      [ 3.233986860000 ],
      [ 3.233986854574 ],
      [ 20.674713360000 ],
      [ 90.000000000000 ],
      [ 90.000000000000 ],
      [ 120.000000055498 ]
    "multiplicity" : 1,
    "name" : "SCEL4_1_1_4_0_0_0",
    "pointgroup_name" : "D6h",
    "selected" : true
    "lattice_params" : [
      [ 3.233986860000 ],
      [ 5.601429540000 ],
      [ 10.337356680000 ],
      [ 90.000000000000 ],
      [ 90.000000000000 ],
      [ 90.000000000000 ]
    "multiplicity" : 3,
    "name" : "SCEL4_1_2_2_0_0_0",
    "pointgroup_name" : "D2h",
    "selected" : true

Getting Supercell info

Sometimes it is useful to get information about a supercell outside of the context of a CASM project.

The info command allows querying properties of supercells without first creating a CASM project and enumerating supercells, although it can also be used within the context of a project.

The SupercellInfo method allows for getting information about the supercell lattice vectors, the ordering of the representation of DoF values in a configuration, permutation representations, and linear site ordering.

To see a list of all supercell properties that may be obtained from the SupercellInfo method, and a description of their representation, use:

 ccasm info --desc SupercellInfo

Query supercell site coordinates

This example queries the coordinates of the sites in a supercell, in Cartesian, fractional, and integral site coordinates.

Fractional coordinates in this context are defined as multiples of the supercell lattice vectors.

Integral site coordinates specify the position of a site using integers [b, i, j, k], representing (b) the site’s sublattice as an index into the in the prim basis, and (i, j, k) the unit cell it is in using multiples of the prim lattice vectors.

  \"transformation_matrix_to_super\": [[2, 0, 0], [0, 2, 0], [0, 0, 2]],
  \"properties\": [\"cart_coordinate\", \"frac_coordinate\", \"integral_site_coordinates\"] 
ccasm info -m SupercellInfo -i "$supercell_info_str"
  "cart_coordinate" : [
    [ 0.000000000000, 0.000000000000, 0.000000000000 ],
    [ 3.233986860000, 0.000000000000, 0.000000000000 ],
    [ -1.616993430000, 2.800714770000, 0.000000000000 ],
    [ 1.616993430000, 2.800714770000, 0.000000000000 ],
    [ 0.000000000000, 0.000000000000, 5.168678340000 ],
    [ 3.233986860000, 0.000000000000, 5.168678340000 ],
    [ -1.616993430000, 2.800714770000, 5.168678340000 ],
    [ 1.616993430000, 2.800714770000, 5.168678340000 ],
    [ 1.616993430162, 0.933571589907, 2.584339170000 ],
    [ 4.850980290162, 0.933571589907, 2.584339170000 ],
    [ 0.000000000162, 3.734286359907, 2.584339170000 ],
    [ 3.233986860162, 3.734286359907, 2.584339170000 ],
    [ 1.616993430162, 0.933571589907, 7.753017510000 ],
    [ 4.850980290162, 0.933571589907, 7.753017510000 ],
    [ 0.000000000162, 3.734286359907, 7.753017510000 ],
    [ 3.233986860162, 3.734286359907, 7.753017510000 ],
    [ -0.000000000162, 1.867143180093, 1.292169585000 ],
    [ 3.233986859838, 1.867143180093, 1.292169585000 ],
    [ -1.616993430162, 4.667857950093, 1.292169585000 ],
    [ 1.616993429838, 4.667857950093, 1.292169585000 ],
    [ -0.000000000162, 1.867143180093, 6.460847925000 ],
    [ 3.233986859838, 1.867143180093, 6.460847925000 ],
    [ -1.616993430162, 4.667857950093, 6.460847925000 ],
    [ 1.616993429838, 4.667857950093, 6.460847925000 ],
    [ -0.000000000162, 1.867143180093, 3.876508755000 ],
    [ 3.233986859838, 1.867143180093, 3.876508755000 ],
    [ -1.616993430162, 4.667857950093, 3.876508755000 ],
    [ 1.616993429838, 4.667857950093, 3.876508755000 ],
    [ -0.000000000162, 1.867143180093, 9.045187095000 ],
    [ 3.233986859838, 1.867143180093, 9.045187095000 ],
    [ -1.616993430162, 4.667857950093, 9.045187095000 ],
    [ 1.616993429838, 4.667857950093, 9.045187095000 ]
  "frac_coordinate" : [
    [ 0.000000000000, 0.000000000000, 0.000000000000 ],
    [ 0.500000000000, 0.000000000000, 0.000000000000 ],
    [ 0.000000000000, 0.500000000000, 0.000000000000 ],
    [ 0.500000000000, 0.500000000000, 0.000000000000 ],
    [ 0.000000000000, 0.000000000000, 0.500000000000 ],
    [ 0.500000000000, 0.000000000000, 0.500000000000 ],
    [ 0.000000000000, 0.500000000000, 0.500000000000 ],
    [ 0.500000000000, 0.500000000000, 0.500000000000 ],
    [ 0.333333333350, 0.166666666650, 0.250000000000 ],
    [ 0.833333333350, 0.166666666650, 0.250000000000 ],
    [ 0.333333333350, 0.666666666650, 0.250000000000 ],
    [ 0.833333333350, 0.666666666650, 0.250000000000 ],
    [ 0.333333333350, 0.166666666650, 0.750000000000 ],
    [ 0.833333333350, 0.166666666650, 0.750000000000 ],
    [ 0.333333333350, 0.666666666650, 0.750000000000 ],
    [ 0.833333333350, 0.666666666650, 0.750000000000 ],
    [ 0.166666666650, 0.333333333350, 0.125000000000 ],
    [ 0.666666666650, 0.333333333350, 0.125000000000 ],
    [ 0.166666666650, 0.833333333350, 0.125000000000 ],
    [ 0.666666666650, 0.833333333350, 0.125000000000 ],
    [ 0.166666666650, 0.333333333350, 0.625000000000 ],
    [ 0.666666666650, 0.333333333350, 0.625000000000 ],
    [ 0.166666666650, 0.833333333350, 0.625000000000 ],
    [ 0.666666666650, 0.833333333350, 0.625000000000 ],
    [ 0.166666666650, 0.333333333350, 0.375000000000 ],
    [ 0.666666666650, 0.333333333350, 0.375000000000 ],
    [ 0.166666666650, 0.833333333350, 0.375000000000 ],
    [ 0.666666666650, 0.833333333350, 0.375000000000 ],
    [ 0.166666666650, 0.333333333350, 0.875000000000 ],
    [ 0.666666666650, 0.333333333350, 0.875000000000 ],
    [ 0.166666666650, 0.833333333350, 0.875000000000 ],
    [ 0.666666666650, 0.833333333350, 0.875000000000 ]
  "integral_site_coordinates" : [
    [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
    [ 0, 1, 0, 0 ],
    [ 0, 0, 1, 0 ],
    [ 0, 1, 1, 0 ],
    [ 0, 0, 0, 1 ],
    [ 0, 1, 0, 1 ],
    [ 0, 0, 1, 1 ],
    [ 0, 1, 1, 1 ],
    [ 1, 0, 0, 0 ],
    [ 1, 1, 0, 0 ],
    [ 1, 0, 1, 0 ],
    [ 1, 1, 1, 0 ],
    [ 1, 0, 0, 1 ],
    [ 1, 1, 0, 1 ],
    [ 1, 0, 1, 1 ],
    [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ],
    [ 2, 0, 0, 0 ],
    [ 2, 1, 0, 0 ],
    [ 2, 0, 1, 0 ],
    [ 2, 1, 1, 0 ],
    [ 2, 0, 0, 1 ],
    [ 2, 1, 0, 1 ],
    [ 2, 0, 1, 1 ],
    [ 2, 1, 1, 1 ],
    [ 3, 0, 0, 0 ],
    [ 3, 1, 0, 0 ],
    [ 3, 0, 1, 0 ],
    [ 3, 1, 1, 0 ],
    [ 3, 0, 0, 1 ],
    [ 3, 1, 0, 1 ],
    [ 3, 0, 1, 1 ],
    [ 3, 1, 1, 1 ]

Clean up tutorial data:

cd $start && rm -r $start/enum