Symmetry Group


Contains a description of a symmetry group.

Project files

This format is used for all symmetry group files in the CASM project, including the lattice_point_group.json, factor_group.json, and crystal_point_group.json files.

JSON Attributes List

Symmetry Group attributes:

Name Description Format
group_classification Group classification information, such as the point group Symmetry Group Classification
group_operations Descriptions of group operations dict of Symmetry Operation
group_structure Multiplication table and conjugacy classes Symmetry Group Structure

Symmetry Group Classification attributes:

Name Description Format
latex_name Point group name, formatted for Latex string
name Point group name string
periodicity Whether there is translation symmetry string

Symmetry Operation attributes:

Name Description Format
CART Cartesian coordinate transformation representation Coordinate Transformation Representation
FRAC Fractional coordinate transformation representation Coordinate Transformation Representation
info Symmetry operation information Symmetry Operation Information
master_group_index Index of this operation in the master group int

Coordinate Transformation Representation attributes:

Name Description Format
matrix Coordinate transformation matrix 2d array of number
tau Coordinate translation vector array of number
time_reversal Whether symmetry includes time reversal invariance bool

Symmetry Operation Information attributes:

Name Description Format
brief Brief string descriptions of the symmetry operation dict of string
conjugacy_class Index of the conjugacy class containing the operation int
invariant_point Coordinate of an invariant point of the operation dict
inverse_operation Index in the group of the inverse operation int
mirror_normal Unit normal vector of mirror and glide planes dict
rotation_angle Rotation angle of the operation number
rotation_axis Rotation axis of the operation dict
shift Screw or glide shift vector dict
type Type of symmetry operation string

Symmetry Group Structure attributes:

Name Description Format
conjugacy_classes Conjugacy class elements and type dict
multiplication_table Group multiplication table 2d array of int

JSON Attributes Description

Symmetry Group JSON Object

  • group_classification: [Symmetry Group Classification]Group Classification

    Group classification information, such as the point group.

  • group_operations: dict of Symmetry Operation

    Descriptions of group operations. The dictionary keys are of the form op_01, op_02, …, or op_1, op_2, …, if there are less than 10 elements in the group.

  • group_structure: Symmetry Group Structure

    Contains the group multiplication table and conjugacy classes.

Symmetry Group Classification JSON Object

  • latex_name: string

    Point group name, formatted for Latex

  • name: string

    Point group name.

  • periodicity: string

    Has the value “PERIODIC” if there is translation symmetry, or the value “APERIODIC” if there is not translation symmetry.

Symmetry Operation JSON Object

Coordinate Transformation Representation JSON Object

The symmetery operations transform a spatial coordinate $x \rightarrow x’$ according to $x’ = R*x+\tau$, where $R$ is the 3x3 coordinate transformation matrix and $\tau$ is the coordinate translation vector. The values $R$ and $\tau$ for the same symmetry operation may be expressed in either Cartesian or fractional coordinates using the conversion, $x^{cart} = L * x^{frac}$, where $L$ is the lattice vector column matrix.

  • matrix: 2d array of number (shape=(3,3))

    Coordinate transformation matrix.

  • tau: array of number (shape=(3,))

    Coordinate translation vector.

  • time_reversal: bool

    Whether symmetry includes time reversal invariance.

Symmetry Operation Information JSON Object

  • brief: dict

    Brief string descriptions of the symmetry operation, following the conventions of (International Tables for Crystallography (2015). Vol. A. ch. 1.4, pp. 50-59). Includes Cartesian and fractional coordinate representations.


    "brief" : {
      "CART" : "6⁺ (0.0000000 0.0000000 2.5843392) 0, 1.867143, z",
      "FRAC" : "6⁺ (0.0000000 0.0000000 0.5000000) 0.3333333, 0.6666667, z"


    The following examples are given in the fractional coordinate representation.

    • 1: Identity operation.

    • 3⁺ 0, 0, z: Positive 3-fold rotation around the axis with coordinates 0, 0, z, for any z.

    • 2 ( 0.5000000 -0.0000000 0.0000000) x, 0.1666667, 0.25: 2-fold screw rotation, with shift vector (0.5000000 -0.0000000 0.0000000), around the axis with coordinates x, 0.1666667, 0.25, for any x.

    • m x, -x, z: Mirror plane, with coordinates x, -x, z, for any x, z.

    • g (0.5000000 0.5000000 0.5000000) 0.08333334+x, -0.08333334+x, z: Glide reflection, with shift vector (0.5000000 0.5000000 0.5000000), and glide plane with coordinates 0.08333334+x, -0.08333334+x, z for any x, z.

    • -3⁺ 0.3333333, -0.3333333, z; 0.3333333 -0.3333333 0.2500000: Positive 3-fold rotoinversion around the axis 0.3333333, -0.3333333, z, for any z, and the invariant point 0.3333333 -0.3333333 0.2500000.

    • -1 0.3333333 0.1666666 0.2500000: Inversion, with the invariant point 0.3333333 0.1666666 0.2500000.

    • m′ x, y, y: Mirror plane, with coordinates x, y, y, for any x, y, and time reversal invariance (indicated by the prime).

  • conjugacy_class: int

    Index of the conjugacy class containing the operation.

  • invariant_point: dict (conditional)

    Coordinate of an invariant point of the operation, if applicable. Includes Cartesian and fractional coordinate representations.


    "invariant_point" : {
      "CART" : [ 0.000000000000, 1.867143135410, 0.000000000000 ],
      "FRAC" : [ 0.333333325000, 0.666666650000, 0.000000000000 ]
  • inverse_operation: int

    Index in the group of the inverse operation.

  • mirror_normal: dict (conditional)

    Unit normal vector of mirror and glide planes, if applicable. Includes Cartesian and fractional coordinate representations.


    "mirror_normal" : {
      "CART" : [ 0.500000000000, -0.866025403784, 0.000000000000 ],
      "FRAC" : [ 0.000000000000, -1.000000000000, 0.000000000000 ]
  • rotation_angle: number (conditional)

    Rotation angle of the operation, in degrees, if applicable.

  • rotation_axis: dict (conditional)

    Vector lying along the rotation axis of the operation, if applicable. Includes Cartesian and fractional coordinate representations.


    "rotation_axis" : {
      "CART" : [ 0.500000000000, 0.866025403784, -0.000000000000 ],
      "FRAC" : [ 0.707106781187, 0.707106781187, 0.000000000000 ]
  • shift: dict (conditional)

    Screw or glide shift vector, if applicable. Includes Cartesian and fractional coordinate representations.


    "shift" : {
      "CART" : [ 0.808496714096, 1.400357386566, -0.000000000000 ],
      "FRAC" : [ 0.500000000000, 0.500000000000, 0.000000000000 ]
  • type: string

    Type of symmetry operation. One of “identity”, “rotation”, “screw”, “mirror”, “glide”, “rotoinversion”, or “inversion”.

Symmetry Group Structure JSON Object

  • conjugacy_classes: dict

    Conjugacy class operations, type, and rotation angle (if applicable).


    "conjugacy_classes" : {
      "class_01" : {
        "operation_type" : "identity",
        "operations" : [ 1 ]
      "class_02" : {
        "operation_type" : "screw",
        "operations" : [ 2, 3 ],
        "rotation_angle" : 60.000000000000
      "class_03" : {
        "operation_type" : "rotation",
        "operations" : [ 4, 5 ],
        "rotation_angle" : 120.000000000000
  • multiplication_table: 2d array of int

    Group multiplication table. The symmetry operation products $g_k = g_i g_j$ are specified by $M_{ij}=k$, where $g_i$, $g_j$, and $g_k$ are the $i$-th, $j$-th, and $k$-th symmetry operations in the group, and $M$ is the multiplication table.


Example Symmetry Group files:

  1. Factor group, for HCP Zr, with octahedral interstitial O disorder: [factor_group_ex1.json]
  2. Factor group, for an FCC system with collinear magnetic spin (Cmagspin) [DoF] (which has time reversal symmetry): [factor_group_ex2.json]