Mapped Properties


Holds the values of properties that have been mapped to a particular Configuration.

JSON Attributes List

Mapped Properties attributes:

Name Description Format
init The name of the configuration calculated to generate these properties string
global Global property values dict of array of number
origin Source of the properties string
path Path to properties file string
site Site property values dict of 2d array of number
timestamp Last properties file read time int
to The name of the configuration these properties have been mapped to string

JSON Attributes Description

MappedProperties JSON object

  • init: string

    A string used to indicate the configuration that was calculated to generate these properties.

    Typically, it is the name of the configuration which was used to generate the initial structure input to a calculation.

    The string "import" may be used when the properties are imported from outside a CASM project and no initial ideal configuration is known.

  • global: dict of array of number

    A map of property name to value for global properties of the configuration such as energy, strain metrics, or cost functions. Property names must follow CASM property naming conventions. Properties are expected to be vectors expressed in the standard basis.

    Note: This also holds derived properties such as structure mapping costs (“lattice_deformation_cost”, “atomic_deformation_cost”, “total_cost”).

  • origin: string

    A string indicating the source of the properties and used as a unique key to access the properties. Most commonly it is the path to the file the properties were generated from.

  • path: string

    Path to the file the properties were generated from, if one exists.

  • site: dict of 2d array of number

    A map of property name to value for site properties of the configuration such as displacement. Property names must follow CASM property naming conventions. Each column corresponds to the vector property at a particular site (in the same order as the configuration occ values). Property values are expected to be expressed in the standard basis.

  • timestamp: int

    Indicates the last time the properties file located at path was read (if one exists).

  • to: string

    A string giving the name of the configuration these properties have been mapped to. It must be a configuration name.